How much longer are we going to think it necessary to be ''American'' before (or in contradistinction to) being cultivated, being enlightened, being humane, and having the same intellectual discipline as other civilized countries? - Edith Wharton
I asked myself one day, 'Would it be humane of me to completely destroy my mind and soul for the music?' I knew immediately that the answer was no, so I knew I had to. - Matt Borneman
Peace does not mean an absence of conflicts; differences will always be there. Peace means solving these differences through peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways. - Dalai Lama XIV
Guantánamo Bay's motto: 'Safe, humane, legal, transparent detention.' Four adjectives describing one sick joke. - Rodney Ulyate
Humanity could be more humane if we can tie everyone with the thread of love. - Debasish Mridha
With reasonable men I will reason; with humane men I will plea; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost. - William Lloyd Garrison
We have one world. We have one chance; to be a united force of positive strength, to feed humanity the light of being humane. - Jessica Edouard
The greatness of humanity is not in being human, but in being humane. - Mahatma Gandhi
How strange! A dog is more humane than a human is. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes trials...Bring out the hard-hearted nature of a good person and make him unforgiving.And, sometimes trials...Help a socially snubbed person to live a humane life and make him appreciable!Its called TIME that exposes people truly. - Salsabeel
To err is human, but to err on the side of compassion is humane. - Karl Schmidtt
Beneath all this he is able to identify as well the dangers of a humanism which shuts out the humane and transcendent horizons and can threaten a new form of the dark night of the soul. - Abdumalik Nysanbayev
Orwell wrote easily and well about small humane pursuits, such as bird watching, gardening and cooking, and did not despise popular pleasures like pubs and vulgar seaside resorts. In many ways, his investigations into ordinary life and activity prefigure what we now call 'cultural studies. - Christopher Hitchens
...and in the long run, disease is more humane than war or starvation. My, isn't that gloomy?
Nature of Human is neither good nor bad, it is simply a fusion of primitive instinctual urges and modern humane conscience. - Abhijit Naskar
With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost. - William Lloyd Garrison
Whoever is open, loyal, true; of humane and affable demeanour; honourable himself, and in his judgement of others; faithful to his word as to law, and faithful alike to God and man....such a man is a true gentleman. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
We cannot but pity the boy who has never fired a gun; he is no more humane, while his education has been sadly neglected. - Henry David Thoreau
Humanity must forgive 'Humanity', for only then can we be Humane. - Ilyas Kassam
It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity. - César Chávez
Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well informed man is the most useless bore on God's earth. - Alfred North Whitehead