Quotation Explorer - 'Pursuits'

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. - Albert Einstein
Our pursuits are for perfection but possibilities are endless. - Debasish Mridha
All pursuits are pointless and fruitless unless and until love and compassion are found and then are the foundation and destination of all you do - Rasheed Ogunlaru
...And talking of the dear family party which would then be restored, of their mutual pursuits and cheerful society, as the only happiness worth a wish. - Jane Austen
In your life never become an agent of Negativity; Unknowingly if you act negative to positive pursuits... you unnecessarily accumulate Karmic bondage... Then why act negative ? - Dinesh Kumar
Still reading but learning a lot about true education and the process of guiding our children in their educational pursuits. - Oliver DeMille
True coolness is the incidental by-product of higher pursuits. - J.K. Rowling
The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals. - Charles C. Ryrie
Every industrious man, in every lawful calling, is a useful man. And one principal reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling, and divide and shift their attention among a multiplicity of objects and pursuits. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thought, if I may put it, is the man behind the pursuits, appearance, things we like, things we hate and the very epitome of our living. When you cripple the mind, you cripple the body, you cripple purpose and you cripple life - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Since graduating from HMS my greatest satisfaction has unequivocally been my family. My main disappointment is that I have wasted too much time in personal pursuits and been less of an influence for good than I might have been. - Norris B. Finlayson
I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to founts of wisdom and knowledge. - Igor Stravinsky
In most pursuits, one's self is one of the biggest hurdles to get over. You can't pursue something and be committed to it if you're apologizing for it at every party. - Lisa Kudrow
Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the pursuit of perfection. - Amit Kalantri
Orwell wrote easily and well about small humane pursuits, such as bird watching, gardening and cooking, and did not despise popular pleasures like pubs and vulgar seaside resorts. In many ways, his investigations into ordinary life and activity prefigure what we now call 'cultural studies. - Christopher Hitchens
Curiosity in children, is but an appetite for knowledge. One great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected. - John Locke
Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. - Thomas Aquinas
The cultivation of literary pursuits forms the basis of all sciences, and in their perfection consist the reputation and prosperity of kingdoms. - Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo
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