Quotation Explorer - 'Lawful'

If this be magic, let it be an art lawful as eating. - William Shakespeare
be lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and Good Government of Canada - The British North America Act, Article 91
Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my mistress. When I get fed up with one, I spend the night with the other. Though it is irregular, it is less boring this way, and besides, neither of them loses anything through my infidelity. - Anton Chekhov
There is nothing in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and he who considers price only is that man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin
LAWFUL, adj. Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction. - Ambrose Bierce
From hence, ye beauties, undeceived Know one false step is ne'er retrieved And be with caution bold. Not all that tempts your wandering eyes And heedless hearts is lawful prize, Not all that glisters gold.
For there is no question but a just fear of an imminent danger, though there be no blow given, is a lawful cause of war. - Sir Francis Bacon
Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? - Bible
The bow cannot always stand bent, nor can human frailty subsist without some lawful recreation. - Miguel de Cervantes
Because God is a rational being and the universe is his personal creation, it necessarily has a rational, lawful, stable structure, awaiting increased human comprehension. This is the key to many intellectual undertakings, among them, the rise of science. - Rodney Stark
All ambitions are lawful except those that climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. - Joseph Conrad
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. - William Congreve
He is not of us who is not affectionate to the little ones, and does not respect the old; and he is not of us, who does not order which is lawful, and prohibits that which is unlawful.
There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin
Fear is a product of doubt. it is a negative energy. Fear is an opposite of faith. Law is not necessary for people who have freedom. Law is the control switch that produces fear. That Fear produces lawful citizens is a delusion, it only creates fearful citizens . - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry. - H. L. Mencken
Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my mistress. When I get fed up with one, I spend the night with the other - Anton Chekhov
Every industrious man, in every lawful calling, is a useful man. And one principal reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling, and divide and shift their attention among a multiplicity of objects and pursuits. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them. - Immanuel Kant
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