Quotation Explorer - 'Jurisdiction'

LAWFUL, adj. Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction. - Ambrose Bierce
Even though God rules in the affairs of men, yet the earth is not God’s jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
God has chosen to make the heavens his jurisdiction while at the same time he himself makes it very clear that the earth has been given to man as man’s sphere of influence. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. - Sunday Adelaja
The earth therefore is not Gods jurisdiction. It is man’ jurisdiction. The earth is man’s domain. Man therefore is responsible for what transpires here. - Sunday Adelaja
The maladies of the spirit alone, in abstracto, that is, error and sin, can be called diseases of the mind only per analogiam. They come not within the jurisdiction of the physician, but that of the teacher or clergyman, who again are called physicians of the mind only per analogiam. - Ernst Von Feuchtersleben
The opinions of men are not the object of civil government, nor under its jurisdiction. - Thomas Jefferson
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