Quotation Explorer - 'Repentance'

ENTHUSIASM, n. A distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience. Byron, who recovered long enough to call it "entuzy-muzy," had a relapse, which carried him off -- to Missolonghi. - Ambrose Bierce
Repentance of spirit, resurrection of soul. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A good marriage is good because one or both of them have learned to overlook the other's faults, to love the other as they are and to not attempt to change them or bring them to repentance. - Debi Pearl
True repentance means making amends with the person when at all possible. - Lawana Blackwell
The path of repentance, though hard at times, lifts one ever upwards and leads to a perfect forgiveness.
If we are discouraged because we lack repentance and excuse ourselves by saying that it does not lie in our power to obtain a contrite heart, because repentance can only be granted as a miracle of the Holy Spirit, it is a sign that our thinking has been clouded by the Enemy. - M. Basilea Schlink
Shame without repentance doesn’t lose power when it is spoken, it only seeks approval. - Shannon L. Alder
I want every one of our members to grow into maturity more quickly than they seem to, but the Lord has taught me to shepherd people, call them to repentance and let Matthew 18:12­–14 play out. - Matt Chandler
Prayer is the most powerful resource we have in this life; yet, many only turn to it as a last resort. When unbelievers pray for repentance of sin and ask for God’s forgiveness, prayer is the spiritual dynamite that obliterates the darkness and despair of a sin-soaked soul. - Franklin Graham
There is no Christianity unless first there is repentance. And it is not just, Well, I am guilty. It is not just a conviction. It is a conviction plus a desire to turn away from those things. - Brian Richardson
But Jesus, our Advocate, presents an effectual plea in behalf of all who by repentance and faith have committed the keeping of their souls to Him.He pleads their cause, and by the mighty arguments of Calvary vanquishes their accuser. - Ellen G. White
What the pundits call wishy-washiness, the Bible calls repentance. - David Dark
If your repentance and God's forgiveness of your sin does not lead to total surrender to God, you should wonder if you truly repented. - Gail Davis
The Lord is calling us to turn from evil. And return to Him in repentance. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Change is inevitable! Repentance is the Christian constant! - Gary Rohrmayer
There is no repentance where a man can talk lightly of sin, much less where he can speak tenderly and lovingly of it. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
God has witnessed everything done to you. Those that love God will feel shame for what they did. Those that don't ....do not know God or have a concept of repentance or forgiveness. - Shannon L. Alder
I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell. - William Booth
Repentance restores your relationship with God. - Jim George
Repentance is words, God forgives the kind. - Sixeye
Nothing spoils a confession like repentance. - Anatole France
Only repentance can save us from spiritual death and lead us to eternal life, and only repentance lets us have a foretaste of this divine life here and now. - M. Basilea Schlink
Their guilt plus their repentance should have equalled forgiveness. But they don’t feel forgiven, so they failed, which makes them feel guilty, which was why they repented in the first place, so they’re stuck right where they started: Guilty. - Geoffrey Wood
Joy is only as satisfying as repentance is deep. - Nate Shurden
Repentance is not merely turning away from your sin but turning to the Lamb who takes away your sin. "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". 1 John 1:29 - John Paul Warren
If thou desire to purchase honor with thy wealth, consider first how that wealth became thine; if thy labor got it, let thy wisdom keep it; if oppression found it, let repentance restore it; if thy parent left it, let thy virtues deserve it; so shall thy honor be safer, better and cheaper. - Francis Quarles
Repentance is the gateway through which the Gospel can come to us. Repentance is the gateway to a joy-filled life with Christ, for it is the prerequisite for attaining forgiveness, and wherever forgiveness is received, there is salvation and joy. - M. Basilea Schlink
Repentance is the first step on the path back to your relationship with God. - Jim George
Humility and repentance are necessary to restore your relationship with God. - Jim George
Repentance is a softening of ones heart and a realigning of ones affections. - Gary Rohrmayer
Mere sorrow, which weeps and sits still, is not repentance. Repentance is sorrow converted into action; into a movement toward a new and better life.
POLYGAMY, n. A house of atonement, or expiatory chapel, fitted with several stools of repentance, as distinguished from monogamy, which has but one. - Ambrose Bierce
Remorse (I did it) is an easy, passive, human reaction, there is no value in it and it changes nothing. Repentance (I will not do it again) is the difficult call to action in a redeemed heart. It has an eternal impact and it can change everything. - William Branks
Expositing. John 14, the speaker explains that the Holy Spirit making His home with us involves Him exposing other areas of our lives for repentance, regeneration, and renewal. - Matt Chandler
Where error is irreparable, repentance is useless. - Edward Gibbon
He who carries out one good deed acquires one advocate in his own behalf, and he who commits one transgression acquires one accuser against himself. Repentance and good works are like a shield against calamity. - The Talmud
Our repentance is not so much regret for the ill we have done as fear of the ill that may happen to us in consequence. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Repentance may begin instantly, but reformation often requires a sphere of years. - Henry Ward Beecher
It seems The Adversary needs neither their guilt nor their request, but simply their return. In other words, since repentance is the process whereby guilt is turned into gratitude, He doesn’t mind if they skip a step and go directly to gratitude. - Geoffrey Wood
Repentance is a result of God's kindness, not a prerequisite to it. - D.R. Silva
I learned the first rule of repentance: that repentance requires greater intimacy with God than with our sin. - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
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