Quotation Explorer - 'Satisfying'

Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is really quite as satisfying as an income tax refund.
Wagamama. Text messaging aficionados might like to note that this is one of the most satisfying words you can possibly type. - Danny Wallace
Out of all the things I do, I think being a mom is the most important and satisfying. - Michelle M. Pillow
once I gave up the hunt for villains, I had little recourse but to take responsibility for my choices ...Needless to say, this is far less satisfying that nailing villains. It also turned out to be more healing in the end. - Barbara Brown Taylor
Leaving what feels secure behind and following the beckoning of our hearts doesn't always end as we expect or hope. We may even fail. But here's the payoff: it can also be amazing and wonderful and immensely satisfying. - Steve Goodier
One's silence can be deafening indeed,but it's also quite satisfying once in a while to actually hear one's thoughts just to reassure a presence. - Will Leamon
Habits - the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction. You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction.
The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of the mind for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. - Anatole France
Bernice was fascinated by Trinket because she wore her sexuality as openly as a fragrant perfume. She was also amazed by the fact that Trinket found life so easy and satisfying. - K. Ford K.
The Christlike life has nothing at all to do with satisfying, coddling, or promoting self, but everything to do with being poured out for others. - Claudia Barba
You find the meaning in life by giving yourself away not by satisfying yourself. The most gratifying thing, at 73 years old, is to be able to think that your life was used to help others.
Disappointment, fear, grief, unlove, dullness and guilt are the worst feelings. Learn from them so that you move on. Then replace them with more satisfying and promising joy, love gratitude, pride, confidence, direction. - Diana Jaber
Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts -- some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole. - Theodosius Dobzhansky
My story can move fast, as I can't, it can have a reasonable and perhaps perfect solution, as mine can't. A solution that is somehow satisfying, as my personal solution never can be. - Patricia Highsmith
The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. - Anatole France
I dreamt we walked together along the shore. We made satisfying small talk and laughed. This morning I found sand in my shoe and a seashell in my pocket. Was I only dreaming? - Maya Angelou
The emptiness, the way his heels rang on the asphalt,was satisfying, emphasised his aloneness. A man alone, alone late at night with no one to say he should be home in bed. - Dan Davin
Duty performed gives clearness and firmness to faith, and faith thus strengthened through duty becomes the more assured and satisfying to the soul. - Tryon Edwards
In his life Christ is an example showingus how to live in his death he is a sacrifice satisfying our sins in his resurrection a conqueror in his ascension a king in his intercession a high priest. - Martin Luther
Relish love in your old age! Aged love is like aged wine; it becomes more satisfying, more refreshing, more valuable, more appreciated and more intoxicating! - Leo Buscaglia
We are all bounded with each other on the basis of our beliefs and values; when we question those values, we are certainly left alone, away from our families, friends and the dear one. And that is a cost benefit analysis we all make and we keep satisfying ourselves with the status quo of situations. - M.F. Moonzajer
There are two types of people in this world- those who pull out of bed each morning at the thought of breakfast and those who are driven by ambition. The former succeed in satisfying hunger pangs and the latter accomplish their life goals. - Roopleen
My alma mater was books, a good library.... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity. - Malcolm X
Sex mirrored our drinking; both defined our relationship: selfish, detached, indulgent and satisfying. - B.J. Neblett
Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests. - Isaac Asimov
Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts. - James Beard
Dictatorship is without a doubt the most satisfying form of government...as long as I'm the dictator.
I paint paintings because I can't get the experience in any other way but there are many more experiences that are equally satisfying to me and equally inept at answering all my questions, but hover in exactitude in describing themselves and defying me to define their logic.
Few things are more satisfying than seeing your own children have teenagers of their own. - Doug Larson
For [a product] to surprise me, it must be satisfying expectations I didn't know I had. No focus group is going to discover those. Only a great designer can. - Paul Graham
Don't turn a blind eye to those that empathize; that care when no one else does, because it could lead to a very satisfying and meaningful relationship, with profound levels of loyalty. - Innocent Mwatsikesimbe
Some believe to be spiritual, is to be always loving and shit... Being spiritual is taking no shit, by believing that your voice deserves to be heard if the deed is not satisfying your soul. - Nikki Rowe
The process of leniency involves accepting the reality of the current situation and finding a satisfying meaning therein, as opposed to misconstruing or denying the facts of the situation. - Sandra L. Schneider
There's nothing that's eternally satisfying except unconditional love. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA
Ah, how many Marahs have been sweetened by a simple, satisfying glimpse of the Tree and the Love which underwent its worst confict there. Yes, the Cross is the tree that sweetens the waters. 'Love never faileth. - Jim Elliot
185. Perhaps this is why writing all day, even when the work feels arduous, never feels to me like "a hard day's work." Often it feels more like balancing two sides of an equation - occasionally quite satisfying, but essentially a hard and passing rain. It, too, kills the time. - Maggie Nelson
Sharing feelings, conveying appreciation and whispering desires are all crucial components of a satisfying encounter with your beloved. - Brownell Landrum
Education is a vital path to achieve success. Using what we've learnt to help others completes it,and the result of selfless sharing of knowledge is both spiritually enlightening and humbly satisfying - Lateef Abader
Joy is only as satisfying as repentance is deep. - Nate Shurden
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