The evolution of the universe is both mirrored by and incumbent upon your own. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
She looked from the hilt protruding between her breasts into the eyes of the boy she loved. The golden light in them enfolded her and her heart stopped beating, leaving the ghost of her smile on her mouth. Her vacant eyes mirrored something infinitely close to peace. - Farrah Naseem
Love falls in love with love; comes like an echo sounding back, searches its mirrored shadow within a look. - Mocco Wollert
From my perspective I believe that most Christians do not dread judgment day because it is the end, but because they will no longer be able to embrace the façade of a sinless mirrored reflection. - Carl Henegan
Ultimately, I found my instincts mirrored in a line from Thoreau: 'My needle...always settles between west and south-southwest. The future lies that way to me, and the earth seems more exhausted and richer on that side. - Phillip Connors
I saw the same dynamic in our family - a dysfunctional family - mirrored in the country in the 1980's. If you take this family, and you put them up there as the First Family - if you look at what the dynamic is in the family - you might have a pretty good sense of how it's going to trickle down.
The working class had imposed upon them a sterile and authoritarian educational system which mirrored the ethos of the corporate workplace. - Anthony M. Platt
Happiness is 'happening' in the good souls, those God loves. That love is mirrored in terms of Happiness. - Priyavrat Thareja
Be kind, for the other is not another, but your mirrored kine. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Sex mirrored our drinking; both defined our relationship: selfish, detached, indulgent and satisfying. - B.J. Neblett