Life is like an echo; if you love life, it loves you back. - Debasish Mridha
Publishing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo. - Don Marquis
Kindness can be short, sweet, transient, and random, but its effects echo forever. - Debasish Mridha
Nothing is ever over when it is alive inside a human heart. You'll always be an echo in my words. - Penfist
We are just misguided ghostsTravelling endlesslyThe ones we trusted the mostPushed us far awayAnd there's no one roadWe should not be the sameBut I'm just a ghostAnd still they echo meThey echo me in circles - Paramore
In the deep places he gives thought to music great and terrible; and the echo of that music runs through all the veins of the world in sorrow and in joy; for if joyful is the fountain that rises in the sun, its springs are in the wells of sorrow unfathomed at the foundations of the Earth. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Everything is an echo of something I once read.Dream, hope, and celebrate life!Love always comes back in a song.One thing we all have in common is a love for food and drink.Memories never die, and dreams never end!What is time? - John Siwicki
When you speak, your words echo across the room. When you write, your words echo across the ages" Bud GardnerThis is what my books do about stories of the Past, Present and Futur. Enjoy!Visit my page on - Claire Hamelin Manning
When they are gay, the waves echo their gaiety; but when they are sad, then every breaker, as it rolls, seems to bring additional sadness, and to speak to us of hopelessness and of the pettiness of all our joys. - Emmuska Orczy
In Damascus:poems become diaphanousThey’re neither sensualnor intellectualthey are what echo saysto echo . . . - Mahmoud Darwish-محمود درويش
The resounding echo of the mortal coil, echoes in the ears of those who are unprepared for it. To some, it sounds like a symphony - to others, a death toll.
... The women's song was always the same, as monotonous as the beating of the waves against the beach: loss, loss. The conch offered them no enchantment. When they put their ear to it, all they heard was the echo of their mourning. - Carsten Jensen
Your true friends echo your own philosophies back at you. - J.R. Rim
Even if this spring the dappled leaves should shelter our minds from the moon's pale echo we would still remember how once they were sheltered by our skulls only from the day's sun and the night's stars and never from what we feared and what we remembered - Dan Davin
Then the dreaded words, Your child has autism. These words echo in their heads like a freight train blasting through their hopes and dreams. - Dr. Linda Barboa
It was a desire, an echo, a sound; she could drape it in color, see it in form, hear it in music, but not in words; no, never in words. She sighed, teased by desires so incoherent, so incommunicable. - Virginia Woolf
In the heart, silence becomes an echo of unanswered needs - Bluenscottish
Seeing the faults of others is indeed an echo of our own fault; the biggest fault is our own fault. That is known as the mad ego. - Dada Bhagwan
Its not the sound, its the echo that matters. I can't hear your sound but the echo of I LOVE YOU still around me. - Piyush Paudyal
Echo of your thoughts are more important than your actions because that has greater impact on the world. - Amit Ray
A man's eye serves as a photography to the invisible, as well as his ear serves as echo to the silence. - Machado de Assis
Writers and artists know that ethereal moment, when just one, fleeting something--a chill, an echo, the click of a lamp, a question—-ignites the flame of an entire work that blazes suddenly into consciousness. - Nadine C. Keels
Everywhere man blames nature and fate, yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passions, his mistakes and weaknesses. - Democritus
A word into the silence thrown always finds its echo somewhere where silence opens hidden lexicons. - Dejan Stojanovic
Set your sights so high that even failure has in it an echo of glory. - Anonymous
I die a little,In the echo of your silence. - Jessica Kristie
Listen closely. Even the trees exhale sweet love songs that roll off their boughs and echo out to all of creation. Love is always in the air. - Cristen Rodgers
Your skin reminds me of everything beautiful I've ever loved... how the moon gets jealous at how you mock her crescent figure with the shape of your mouth... echo of unborn galaxies bounce forth through your vocal chords... - Brandi L. Bates
Some think intuition is a gift, but it can be a curse as well--a voice calling to us from places that are better left echo of memories that will never die, no matter how hard we try to kill them. - Emily Thorne
Every once in a while, large cities have narrow streets, silent passageways that allow your footsteps to echo in the stillness of the night, and it seems like everything is going back to the way it was, when there were only a few of us and we all knew each other and greeted each other on the street. - Jaume Cabré
My past is an echo of my perfect present being the shadow of my stellar future. - Lyna Jones
Just Echo. - Jun Mochizuki
Lessons echo until you let go. - Jennifer Sodini
I call them sacred echoes because I noticed that throughout my relationships, daily life, and study, the same scripturally sound idea or phrase or word will keep reappearing until I can no longer avoid its presence." -The Sacred Echo - Margaret Feinberg
People are looking for chimes and resonances. Chimes leave echoes, and that's what rhyme is. Poetry is about leaving an echo imprint in somebody else's head, in the dark snow of their mind. - Diana Georgeff
You need to be surrounded by people whose voices echo your soul voice. - Robin Roberts
It was curious what trying to speak English had done lately to his mind; it reminded him of studying poetry in college, words gaining and losing their meaning, overlapping with images, the curious echo of ideas behind the words people used. - Jess Walter
Be an echo of peace not an echo of bullets. - Debasish Mridha
Better be a nettle in the side of your friend than his echo. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
An appeal to fear never finds an echo in German hearts. - Otto von Bismarck
The echo of a red rose at the sunset, you decided to check out. - Santosh Kalwar
UtteranceSitting over wordsVery late I have heard a kind of whispered sighingNot farLike a night wind in pines or like the sea in the darkThe echo of everything that has everBeen spokenStill spinning its one syllableBetween the earth and silence - W.S. Merwin
All the sounds of this valley run together into one great echo, a song that is sung by all the spirits of this valley. Only a hunter hears it. - Chaim Potok
The best endings resonate because they echo a word, phrase, or image from earlier in the story, and the reader is prompted to think back to that reference and speculate on a deeper meaning. - James Plath
What a time experiences as evil, is usually an untimely echo of what was formerly experienced as good--the atavism of a more ancient ideal. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Es raro que yo hable de cosas que echo de menos, porque sin duda lo que más echo de menos es el futuro, siempre. - Remate
There is a rhythm to our language. they echo the rhythm of our life. - ninotaziz
The horror of Hell is an echo of the infinite worth of God's glory. - John Piper
Sometimes I hear the echo of your voice in an empty hall and it reminds me that you're gone. - Sylvain Reynard
Life’s harrowing echo only to be faded into exiled loneliness - Munia Khan
I am hopelessly in love with a memory. An echo from another time, another place. - Michel Foucault
The feeling cannot be described in words, it's mystical; I am changing. Perhaps the soul needed silence so that it can shout to hear the echo from the walls of my heart. It did heard something, Sufism! - Dr. S.U.A.H Syed
Ieder orgasme is een kleine echo van de oerknal; geen wonder dat sex van alle tijden is.(Translated into English: 'Every orgasm is a little echo of the Big Bang; no wonder sex is of all times.' ) - Willem van Batenburg
Poetry is an echo asking a shadow to dance. - Carl Sandburg
What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past. - Victor Hugo
Shhhhhhhh..... Be silent. Silence your mind and listen.... Let the voice of your soul echo and shiiiiine! - Angie karan
War is the echo that never dies. No society strives for war, they are always tricked into it. - R.A.Delmonico
Opportunity is another word for moving on. And it is a word choice, which is often the wiser. If the well gets poisoned, move to a meadow of merriment, where your hearts will echo the more. - Tom Althouse
The journey to the cross began long before. As the echo of the crunching of the fruit was still sounding in the garden, Jesus was leaving for Calvary.
Inside the museums, | Infinity goes up on trial | Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while - Bob Dylan
Love falls in love with love; comes like an echo sounding back, searches its mirrored shadow within a look. - Mocco Wollert
First a voice; then an echo. Then nothing. - Marty Rubin