Quotation Explorer - 'Described'

Henry Kissinger may have wished I had presented him as a combination of Charles DeGaulle and Disraeli, but I didn't....out of respect for DeGaulle and Disraeli. I described him as a cowboy because that is how he describes himself. If I were a cowboy I would be offended.
The conservative in financial circles I have often described as a man who thinks nothing new ought ever to be adopted for the first time. - Frank A. Vanderlip
True love is a feeling...which can neither be defined nor described! - Gladys Bejani
My love for her is beyond any love I have ever heard described. It is a love that is beyond love; a soul connection in which no seam is visible. - Steve Maraboli
One of our professors described a lecture as 'a mystical process by which the notes on the pad of the lecturer pass on to the pad of the student, without passing through the mind of either'. - John Cleese
We are pathfinders on a mission, Beholders following the Light, Runners gunning for the prize and Fighters remaining focused...You have been described, do not accept any other description! - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
William James described success as a combination of two things. An inner ideal which is followed persistently with courage and Outer achievement related to that ideal. - Jim Rohn
War is sometimes described as long periods of boredom punctuated by short moments of excitement. History is often similar, if rather safer. - John H. Arnold
Someone has described science as an orderly arrangement of what, at the moment, seems to be facts.
No country can be described as free- but each has different degrees of bondage. - Agatha Christie
Be the character you want to be described as!(In a good way, of course!) - E.L. Tenenbaum
A man's character is best described in his epitaph - Marilyn L. Rice
Hip Hop Generation captures the collective hopes and nightmares, ambitions and failures of those who would otherwise be described as post-this or post-that. - Jeff Chain in "Can't Stop Won't Stop A History of the Hip-Hop Generation "
The feeling cannot be described in words, it's mystical; I am changing. Perhaps the soul needed silence so that it can shout to hear the echo from the walls of my heart. It did heard something, Sufism! - Dr. S.U.A.H Syed
Between dainty bites, she told Amie, 'Oh, you simply are as darling a creature as Henry described! I had no idea of your being so grown up! Henry, she is positively frazzleging!' Amie deepened her smile, saying, 'And I had no idea you would be so pretty either, madam. - Jennifer Silverwood
May not Music be described as the Mathematics of sense, and Mathematics as the Music of reason?
Science may be described as the art of systematic oversimplification. - Karl R. Popper
If any human concious able to define the God then he exactly don't know about the God. If willing to describe then he is beliver of the God. Because The God is unable to describe, if described then not about God. Because God is unable to describe, thats why there is God. The supreme power. - Kunal Jajal
The inner voice is something which cannot be described in words. But sometimes we have a positive feeling that something in us prompts us to do a certain thing. The time when I learnt to recognise this voice was, I may say, the time when I started praying regularly. - Mahatma Gandhi
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. - Albert Einstein
I think fantasy is best described as a kind of fiction that evokes wonder, mystery or magic, a sense of possibility beyond the ordinary world in which we live, and yet which reflects and comments upon that known world. - Kate Forsyth
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. - Stephen Leacock
This mysterious path is described in the holy books, but it cannot be found simply by the study of sacred texts. It is found by the grace and guidance of an accomplished teacher. - Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj
Perfection Doesn’t Need Adornments or Accessories to Be Called ‘Perfect’. It’s more like 'living in the moment' which can’t be described even by The Wisest Ascetic on this earth. - Taranpreet Singh
George Orwell famously described international sport as 'war minus the shooting'. But for all Orwell's greatness as a thinker, this was one of his least felicitous lines, analogous to 'murder minus the death' or 'life minus the breathing'. - Gideon Haigh
Creativity could be described as letting go of certainties. - Gail Sheehy
The Tanakee are thought to possess strange, almost supernatural powers.Their eyes are described as large and hypnotic." From Tribe of the Teddy Bear - J. Joseph Wright
Perhaps, I am yet to be written. I am yet to be described in those poetic gestures lovers use to describe their soulmate. - Dishika Zaman Tasnim
Every skill and every inquiry, and similarly every action and rational choice, is thought to aim at some good; and so the good had been aptly described as that at which everything aims. - Aristotle
Leadership responsibility is multidimensional and cannot be described in one or two words. It is personal, interpersonal, environmental and societal. - Linda Fisher Thornton
Knowing beauty is not what can be described but felt, upon looking at something beautiful. - Benjamin Meadows
Excellence is best described as doing the right things right - selecting the most important things to be done and then accomplishing them 100% correctly.
The paradise in women is not the v-shape manipulation between their legs, or the two lovely bombs, set on their bosom that can blast any strong, holy spirit filled individual, but that part of her that cannot be described, yet can only be felt. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I looked at the people, then, and I saw how busy they were - how much industry and energy described their lives. - Gregory David Roberts
Your personality should be described in poem not in paragraph. - Amit Kalantri
Creative leadership can be described as adaptability meets agility, and innovation meets principles. - Pearl Zhu
Sometimes the grandest of all events are described in the poverty of a few simple words. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Genius might be described as a supreme capacity for getting its possessors into trouble of all kinds. - Samuel Butler
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it. - Stephen Leacock
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