Quotation Explorer - 'Adopted'

Developing your unique thought to the level of being appreciated and adopted by the world - that's genius. - Ogwo David Emenike
The conservative in financial circles I have often described as a man who thinks nothing new ought ever to be adopted for the first time. - Frank A. Vanderlip
Washington once advised his adopted grandson that where there is no occasion for expressing an opinion, it is best to be silent. For there is nothing more certain than that it is at all times more easy to make enemies than friends. - Ron Chernow
They (the French) have taken genius instead of reason for their guide, adopted experiment instead of experience, and wander in the dark because they prefer lightning to light. - Gouverneur Morris
Those in the West who have adopted Christ as their own should remember that he was an Oriental. Love and sympathy for Jesus should be expanded into love and sympathy for all Orientals, and for all the world. - Paramahansa Yogananda
You know I’m the first rapper to adopt a tabby cat. You know I adopted straight from the ASPCA, you feel me? Just breaking the boundaries, man, showing everybody it’s okay to be yourself. Embrace yourself. Embrace your health. Ayyy! Just continue to love yourself and accept. - Brandon McCartney
If the lifestyle choices outlined in this book were uniformly adopted, the savings in suffering and health care costs would be tremendous. - Tim Loy
Almost none of the poetries I admire stick to their labels, native or adopted ones. Rather, they are vagrant in their identifications. Tramp poets, there you go, a new label for those with unstable allegiances. - C.D. Wright
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience. - Hymann Rickover
A role model is a person whose roles can be modelled. If the roles you conceive and give birth to today cannot be adopted by anyone in your absence, you are no good model. - Israelmore Ayivor
This is a party that used to embrace freedom but now they've abandoned the principles of Thomas Jefferson and adopted the tactics of Joseph Stalin.' he says. And he, (Eric O'Keefe) notes that those tactics are even aimed at fellow Democrats who don't fall in line. - Kimberly Strassel
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted. - Steven Wright
The line, often adopted by strong men in controversy, of justifying the means by the end. - Saint Jerome
The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily. This is the man of moderation, the man of manly character and of wisdom. - Plato
If Children are God's Gift then adopted are God's child. - Revathi Sankaran
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