Amber starts off as sap from a tree," Joseph said in the dark. "And sometimes insects get caught in it, and over millions of years the amber turns into a gemstone, but it traps the insect inside.""Oh.""A photograph is sort of like that, don't you think? - Brian Selznick
The love, loyalty, and dedication of Mary and Joseph are an example for all Christian couples, who are neither the friends nor masters of their children’s lives, but the guardians of this incomparable gift from God. - Pope Benedict XVI
The extremity of her sensitivityimpressed a richly idle princely family,of her discomfort, bothered as she had to beby the absurd softness of the ample beddings,not to mention the pillow piles aggravatingher much lamented acrophobic dis-ease.[from the poem, ] Joseph Stanton - Princess and the Pea
Despite countless prayers for Joseph to be safe, God said no. His plan remains a mystery. I have had to accept that mystery and trust Him in the dark. - Shelley Ramsey
It is to these two discoveries by that we owe the exactness of modern astronomy. .... This double service assures to their discoverer the most distinguished place (after Hipparchus and Kepler) above the greatest astronomers of all ages and all countries. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Delambre - Bradley
This is a party that used to embrace freedom but now they've abandoned the principles of Thomas Jefferson and adopted the tactics of Joseph Stalin.' he says. And he, (Eric O'Keefe) notes that those tactics are even aimed at fellow Democrats who don't fall in line. - Kimberly Strassel
Joseph lost his son and Christ. (Joseph a perdu - Son fils et Jésus.) - Charles de Leusse
It was by faith, nothing wavering, that Joseph saw God our Eternal Father and Jesus Christ, His Son. - Thomas S. Monson
The works which this leaves behind him occupy a few pages only; their importance is not greatly superior to their extent; and yet his name will shine out with lustre in the history of the sciences.{Cuvier on Joseph Banks} Georges Cuvier - man