A quotation, like a pun, should come unsought, and then be welcomed only for some propriety of felicity justifying the intrusion. - Robert Chapman
The line, often adopted by strong men in controversy, of justifying the means by the end. - Saint Jerome
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other's skin color, the other is looking back at their appearance. Both justifying, how better and righteous they are, in their own insecurities. - Anthony Liccione
I’m tired of justifying why I love someone. I’m done with the explaining. - Jennifer Elisabeth
Considering what is at stake politically, economically and technically for most organizations; usually justifying IT governance deployment based on one viewpoint narrows suitability and expected benefits. - Robert E. Davis
We spend most of the time justifying the situation and not finding the real problem thus leaving minimal chance of solutions. - Unarine Ramaru
Art is about going a little nuts and justifying the next sentence. - Young-Ha Kim
Men are rewarded or punished not for what they do but for how their acts are defined. That is why men are more interested in better justifying themselves than in better behaving themselves.