Quotation Explorer - 'Felicity'

Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love. - Spanish Proverb
What more felicity can fall to creature, than to enjoy delight with liberty. - Edmund Spenser
A quotation, like a pun, should come unsought, and then be welcomed only for some propriety of felicity justifying the intrusion. - Robert Chapman
Ignorance is a necessary condition of human happiness, and it must be owned that in most cases we fulfill it well. We know almost nothing about ourselves; absolutely nothing about our neighbors. Ignorance constitutes our peace of mind; self- deception our felicity. - Anatole France
Nothing in our culture, not even home computers, is more overrated than the epidermal felicity of two featherless bipeds in desperate congress. - Quentin Crisp
Seek not greater wealth, but simpler pleasure; not higher fortune, but deeper felicity. - Mahatma Gandhi
The true felicity of a lover of books is the luxurious turning of page by page, the surrender, not meanly abject, but deliberate and cautious, with your wits about you, as you deliver yourself into the keeping of the book. This I call reading. - Edith Wharton
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