Quotation Explorer - 'Interpersonal'

The self-help movement that began in the latter half of the twentieth century suffers particularly from this flaw, for the personal and interpersonal skills it seeks to cultivate are almost always designed to get us more of what we think we want, rather than to bring about a change of heart. - C. Terry Warner
Kindness is a currency that can cover a multitude of interpersonal debts. - George Alexiou
Interpersonal tensions can provide opportunities that transform an early childhood curriculum from pre-primary preparedness to sites of political practice. - Pamela Wallberg
The opposite of interpersonal trust is not mistrust. It is despair. This is because we have given up on believing that trustworthiness and fulfillment are possible from others. We have lost our hope in our fellow humans. - David Richo
Today, the language of the market penetrates every pore and forces every interpersonal relation into the schema of individual preference. - Jürgen Habermas
Leadership responsibility is multidimensional and cannot be described in one or two words. It is personal, interpersonal, environmental and societal. - Linda Fisher Thornton
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