Quotation Explorer - 'Societal'

The mind is an instrument made up of universal consciousness, egocentric consciousness, societal consciousness, along with education, values, virtues, judgment and wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
Trying to fit in will not change a society. To change it, you have to be brave, fearless, and strong enough to withstand societal criticism so that you may break the boundary and let light come in. - Debasish Mridha
I want to question societal norms, encourage people to think in new ways. - Carla H. Krueger
True success is there when a person has the ability to lose himself or herself in the search of knowledge and wisdom by using love, joy, and gratitude. On the other hand, societal success comes from the progressive realizations of worthy goals. - Debasish Mridha
Cause and effect is the basis of my education, leading me to an essence far more profound than any rule of societal conditioning. - Ka Chinery
Go out of societal conformity to see and create uplifting beauty. - Debasish Mridha
Freedom from a tyrant is easy, but freedom from societal conformity is difficult. - Debasish Mridha
The mind is created when the universal consciousness conforms to societal consciousness. - Debasish Mridha
Our spirit is universal, all powerful, and limitless. Why do we put societal boundaries around us? They are not boundless. - Debasish Mridha
It is often difficult to educate a child about the beauty of an open mind when he is a prisoner of societal conformity. - Debasish Mridha
We often blame our government for their lack of responsibility, socially and politically. We forget that that is only a result of the societal irresponsibility in general. - Sunday Adelaja
Renew yourself with love. Wash away all the fear, hatred and societal conformity to create a brand new humanity filled with love, kindness and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
A societal revolution is politically organic in nature. It can't be engineered. It has to be evolved. - Mamur Mustapha
Societal peer pressure to conform runs strong, but as more of us continue to think and act for ourselves, rather than be under the influence of group-think, we begin to make more effective choices. - Evita Ochel
Most often we call a person intelligent when they learn to conform to the societal norm. Are they wise? - Debasish Mridha
Management: An art of handling conflicting Egos to meet a common objective, be it political, organisational or societal in nature. - Ramana Pemmaraju
A baby is born like a bird ready to soar from the mother’s lap. The nets of societal rules and regulations puts him in a cage from which he can never escape to create his own new world. - Debasish Mridha
Blindly believing something often comes from societal conformity which is a sign of a lack of deep knowledge and imaginative consciousness. - Debasish Mridha
Morality is societal, but kindness is universal. Be kind even if it not always ethical. - Debasish Mridha
You are only free when you can grow wings of wisdom to fly away from the cage of societal conformity. - Debasish Mridha
There are many kinds of truth: societal truths, religious truths, fundamental truths, scientific truths, and universal truths. Your truth should be what you can trust with your heart. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Along with individual responsibility goes some societal responsibility to enable young people and their parents to do what they need to do. Otherwise, what is a society? - Robert B. Reich
Leadership responsibility is multidimensional and cannot be described in one or two words. It is personal, interpersonal, environmental and societal. - Linda Fisher Thornton
Rap is supposed to motivate, humours, address societal issues & personal feelings, and also liberate me through art, not insult our women. - Unarine Ramaru
Am I a prisoner of my thoughts?Am I a prisoner of my societal conformity?Who am I?How conscious am I?Am I conscious or obnoxious? - Debasish Mridha
If any belief or societal dogma prevents peaceful societal change or progress, that society will inevitably be victims of miserable violent changes. - Debasish Mridha
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