Quotation Explorer - 'Environmental'

Modify the environmental radiation and you will change the course of evolution. - Steven Magee
The biologically harmful effects of man-made environmental radiation was a jigsaw of existing information that needed to be assembled by a group of independent researchers that had a broad range of knowledge and were free of corrupt corporate government influence. - Steven Magee
We loved our homeland for thousands of years which cost us climate change and environmental degradation because we were too selfish to care about the nature, now it is time that we must love our world at least for a little time. - M.F. Moonzajer
Leadership responsibility is multidimensional and cannot be described in one or two words. It is personal, interpersonal, environmental and societal. - Linda Fisher Thornton
Poverty is a state of the mind that was created as a result of unhealthy environmental factors. When you are surrounded with unhealthy environmental factors, you will think poorly, speak poorly, act and behave poorly. - Uzoma Nnadi
some of the first words a child learns are brand names, because they don’t have to sound them out. It becomes part of your environmental vocabulary [Whitney Curry Wimbish & , "The Binary Companion," LA Review of Books, January 22, 2015]. - Sarah Gerard
Knowledge is power and at the end of the day, our health, the health of our children, the health of our community, and the health of Mother Earth is our responsibility. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the human and environmental affects of the products that we buy. - Obiora Embry
I am only a child yet I know if all money spent on war was spent on finding environmental answers, ending poverty, and binding treaties, what a wonderful place this Earth would be. - A. Zampolli
The Self Care Formula is simple-NITO(5R). Nutrients In & Toxins Out in the 5 Realms (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental, Spiritual). - Nina Leavins
The Self Care Formula is simple. It is NITO(5R)...that is Nutrients In and Toxins Out in the 5 Realms the body works in (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual). Unfortunately, we are doing TINO(5R) that is toxins in and nutrients out. - Nina Leavins
With medical science improving at roughly the same rate as our environmental situation worsens, the most likely scenario is that the world will become uninhabitable at the precise moment the human race becomes immortal. - Steve Toltz
In a natural environment, nature controls the breeding cycles. In the man-made environment, abnormal environmental conditions control the unnatural breeding cycles. - Steven Magee
Does a poet create, originate, initiate the thing called a poem, or is his behavior merely the product of his genetic and environmental histories? - B. F. Skinner
Abnormal radiation exposure and oxygen starvation teaches you that reality is just a perception that is derived from your immediate environmental conditions. - Steven Magee
Fill the world with acid rain clouds and you will be in a new era of evolution, due to the changed electromagnetic frequencies emissions and light emissions from the lightning clouds. A new era of global environmental radiation! - Steven Magee
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