Quotation Explorer - 'Irresponsibility'

The free market punishes irresponsibility. Government rewards it. - Harry Browne
Friends, since when has irresponsibility become a Nigerian factor? - Sunday Adelaja
Problems arise when people act as if their "boulders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Problems arise when people act as if their "borlders" are daily loads, and refuse help, or as if their "daily loads" are boulders they shouldn't have to carry. The results of these two instances are either perpetual pain or irresponsibility. - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
We often blame our government for their lack of responsibility, socially and politically. We forget that that is only a result of the societal irresponsibility in general. - Sunday Adelaja
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