Quotation Explorer - 'Resonate'

Just because someone desires you, it does not mean that they value you.Read it over.Again.Let those words resonate in your mind. - Nayyirah Waheed
Perhaps it was Rudy who kept her sane, with the stupidity of his talk, his lemon-soaked hair, and his cockiness. He seemed to resonate with a kind of confidence that life was still nothing but a joke - an endless succession of soccer goals, trickery, and a constant repertoire of meaningless chatter. - Markus Zusak
When you feel down and out you must reach up and out--to Spirit! Our strength will only resonate deep within your souls if you open your heart and minds with us. - Jim Fargiano
Relationship doesn’t remain, We resonate on different flames, I could cut you down again, If you were like all other men, If you were like all other men, I know that I could shut you down again - Amy Winehouse
The best endings resonate because they echo a word, phrase, or image from earlier in the story, and the reader is prompted to think back to that reference and speculate on a deeper meaning. - James Plath
Sometimes it takes more than shouting it to show your pride. It takes more than a sign, a fabulous outfit, or a month of parades. Pride has to resonate from within; shine out to everyone around you. It has mean something to you and only you first before you announce it to the world. - Solange nicole
All literature and popular art contain themes that resonate with the audience. - Daniel Lambert
Be a critical thinker too sometimes. Look in to your heart and give your self permission to ask your mind and question the teachings that doesn't resonate with the wisdom of your soul. - Angie karan
When we focus our thoughts on something, we resonate with it. When that resonance is constant and directed, we draw it to us. - Stephen Richards
Those leaders who fail, lack the capability to resonate their idea & thoughts - Aayush Jain
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