Quotation Explorer - 'Sounds'

Since there is no real silence, Silence will contain all the sounds, All the words, all the languages, All knowledge, all memory. - Dejan Stojanovic
Sometimes, the word SOMETIMES sounds like OFTEN in a thought especially that has got innate truth in it. - Anuj Somany
There is no competition of sounds between a nightingale and a violin. - Dejan Stojanovic
Music sounds different to the one who plays it. It is the musician's curse. - Patrick Rothfuss
What I'm trying to do is make impressions. I think of myself as a colourist, adding different colours and shades by using different techniques and touching the guitar in different ways. I'd like to play sounds you can see if you've got your eyes closed. - Lenny Breau
Oh... Blip. Yeah, I see." He sounds distracted, awed. "Your child," I whisper."Our child." He counters. - E.L. James
Every little trifle, for some reason, does seem incalculably important today, and when you say of a thing that 'nothing hangs on it,' it sounds like blasphemy. There's never any knowing - (how am I to put it?) - which of our actions, which of our idlenesses won't have things hanging on it for ever. - E.M. Forster
To transform a grimace into a sound sounds impossible, yet it is possible to transform a vision into music, to go outside an enslaved personality, to become impersonal by transforming into sand, into water, into light. - Dejan Stojanovic
I'm not telling you to be quiet. I'm just saying that if you speak a little softer, we both might just hear what peace sounds like. - Noor Iskandar
This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. - Jimmy Carter
I think bravery is a lot less formal than it sounds. Bravery is being able to have a conversation with a stranger. It's going back to school even after years of being away. It's being you even when it's easier to be someone else. - Marquita Burke-DeJesus
And it feels strange, almost sad, to walk through ther empty halls. Each step I take sounds so lonely. - Jay Asher
People make moves like the Pawn.(Let's go in the real world, look how they walk, from one up two max blocks they can take... so far it's sounds like the moves of pawn. People can be the king and the queen...) - Deyth Banger
Music is what our soul sounds like when it sings. - Xila Toro
the next time you hear someone in a workshop remarking on how good a particular free-verse line or passage sounds, scan it. The odds are that it will fall into a regular metrical pattern. - Annie Finch
Dancing to the sounds of trees and stones and slow minutes ticking in our hearts and bones. - Jay Woodman
Strange, how the name Israel, God's own chosen nation, who don't believe Jesus to be the Messiah, sounds almost the same as saying "is He real? - Anthony Liccione
Acquiring a blissful brain and in peace, is when I think positively, the sounds around and within me become music, my movement as one of a conscious dance, my smile breaking in to an infectious laughter, my mind transcending in meditation, and my life grows and becomes a celebration! - Angie karan
I love you sounds best spoken in quiet acts of kindness. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Predict the predictable, it sounds something strange and difficult, but so far is stupid. To predict the predictable is the stupid thing ever done by human kind. - Deyth Banger
A world without music is only filled with sounds in the air - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Me too. Do you want to meet me at the golf course after you get off work tomorrow? Then we can see each other all afternoon.""That sounds good."Which it did. But even if she'd said "Do you want to meet me at the surface of the sun?" I'd still have agreed to it. - Mindi Scott
Wagner's music is better than it sounds. - Edgar Wilson Nye
Mom always tells me to celebrate everyone's uniqueness. I like the way that sounds. - Hilary Duff
Being assertive enough to avoid being coerced into sex sounds like a good skill to learn. But you have to wonder what the corresponding page on Challenges said: Try not to rape your girlfriend? - Moira Wegel
It's the work itself that's important to me.' Miranda is aware of how pretentious this sounds, but is it still pretentious if it's true? - Emily St. John Mandel
When sounds of the world around you vanish, what is left but screaming silence. - Markus Peterson
Wagner’s music is better than it sounds. - Edgar Wilson Nye
Two people do not have to agree on what is right to be together. They just have to want to be together. If this sounds simple, try it sometime.
Intuitively, Committee sounds like Come Eat it and almost everyone knows what happens with it. - Anuj Somany
On the whole I try to keep Modesty and Willie in timeless settings, which is why I avoid all the latest slang and in-words. It won't be long before 'brill' sounds as dated as 'super' does now. [Uncle Happy, 1990] - Peter O'Donnell
(Emerson's) aphorisms tend to be chicken soup for the academic soul or gobledygook of a man who prefers the sounds of words to their meanings. - Micah Mattix
Bring it up, make amends, forgive yourself. It sounds simple, but don’t think for a second that it is easy. Getting free from the tyranny of past mistakes can be hard work, but definitely worth the effort. And the payoff is health, wholeness and inner peace. In other words, you get your life back. - Steve Goodier
The sounds of silence are a dim recollection now, like mystery, privacy and paying attention to one thing or one person at a time. - Maureen Dowd
I think that people which can choose should use their ability, the people which can't should be made soldiers... so far it sounds faiiir. - Deyth Banger
Grace was pouring out everywhere, from hidden sounds, into Els's damaged auditory cortex. And all that secret, worldwide composition said the same thing: listen closer, listen smaller, listen lighter, to any noise at all, and hear what the world will still sound like, long after your concert ends. - Richard Powers
I can hear only the sounds of love all around me. I love all of the beauty—all of the things I can feel and see. - Debasish Mridha
He was making music - Howells, Finzi, Holst - so you could see the sounds in the serried air.Serried. Then just as suddenly empty when his sound-proof right hand closed off the notes. - Craig Raine
If it sounds good, it is good. - Louis Armstrong
Music gives inspiration...one that sounds windy with humming sound, such can put you in a trance, only to come back and discover some witty ideas. - Michael Bassey Johnson
For me, a hearty laugh is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. It's a way of life! - Oksana Rus
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. - John Cage
Evil Dead film sounds like the Red Hood, but this time the bad red hood. - Deyth Banger
He who denies the existence of a truth because it sounds negative creates a vacuum that draws the darkness unto him.
Everybody has their taste in noises as well as in other matters; and sounds are quite innoxious, or most distressing, by their sort rather than their quantity. - Jane Austen
Writers more interested in literature than the truth ensure that they never come out with either thing one reason that the word literature today sounds so fake, as if you were to insist on saying cuisine every time you meant food. Food, as in sustenance, is more like what we have in mind. - The editors n+1
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it could be a really ugly swan. - Timmothy Radman
One Bagatelle, and I’ll raise you a novel, Megan had tweeted back.Writing for tea? Now that would have been a solution for the British empire, Laura returned.Writing for me, Megan had typed.I’ll write you a tea fortune.No deal. I want a novel. September sounds good. - L.L. Barkat
Language is rich, and malleable. It is a living, vibrant material, and every part of a poem works in conjunction with every other part - the content, the place, the diction, the rhythm, the tone-as well as the very sliding, floating, thumping, rapping sounds of it. - Mary Oliver
My love translated sounds like a dead language. - Salma Deera
A school bell that sounds annoying at 8:00am sounds exciting at 4:00pm ....it is a matter of time , you will get there. - Osunsakin Adewale
The hell with the rules. If it sounds right, then it is. - Eddie Van Halen
Music is the art of thinking with sounds. - Jules Combarieu
Tell, tell more sounds interesting and little familiar... - Deyth Banger
Once a woman stands for a cause, the sounds of her stilettos echoes to the far ends of the earth that the world has no choice but to listen to her voice. Yes, she could be supple,flexible… but she is resilient. She is established. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
...90 Times to be viewed a work which is state: Progress sounds like a lot of to me... but please don't lie and say that you what I to continu, don't ya??? - Deyth Banger
All the sounds of the earth are like music.
All the sounds of this valley run together into one great echo, a song that is sung by all the spirits of this valley. Only a hunter hears it. - Chaim Potok
How flat all sounds are at the seaside, flat and yet emphatic, like the sound of gunshots heard at a distance. - John Banville
Maria, it sounds like he was insane. Rational people don't intentionally addict people. I feel sorry for those poor people who were unsuspecting victims. - Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote
When I write, it feels like there are two little creatures that sit on each of my shoulders. One whispers, "You can do this. You've got what it takes." The other sounds like my mother-in-law. - Carla H. Krueger
RIME, n. Agreeing sounds in the terminals of verse, mostly bad. The verses themselves, as distinguished from prose, mostly dull. Usually (and wickedly) spelled "rhyme." - Ambrose Bierce
Sometimes I get bored riding down the beautiful streets of L.A. I know it sounds crazy, but I just want to go to New York and see people suffer.
The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.
Leave the hush to those who love like apes because together, you and I make vulgar sounds like a fervent sojourn in paradise. - Taylor Patton
Knowledge makes sounds; wisdom is silent. - Debasish Mridha
Spooky things, people, places, scents and sounds together or alone can create a powerful adrenalin rush and it floods the senses. - StorySmitten
I would not be too surprised to see a flying horse; I would consider it as a gift of the evolution; but I would be very surprised if it had horseshoe sounds! - Mehmet Murat ildan
we are too busy listening to our thoughts that we don't hear the wonderful sounds surrounding us... - Alina Radoi
I stuff my mouth with old fabric and scream until there are no sounds left under my skin. - Laurie Halse Anderson
My everlasting Summer fills heart with laughter like a blooming flower... Her diverse sounds is nature's symphony, sprinkle delight, with comfort of ocean breeze which needs no attest.. The unique every moment of soul's revival and its sun to shine... - Oksana Rus
The way you’re talking… Tears were shining in Kian’s eyes. It sounds like you don’t think you’re coming back. Kian to Bree, Spring Frost (Frost Series #7) - Kailin Gow
When all of this music sounds like you know what you want to say, then it will have been of all worth, ever. You will be something complete unto yourself, present and unique. - Jeff Buckley
Courting is a much sweeter term than 'dating'. It sounds like it has more intent, more like an agreement that two people enter into with a future in mind. - Kim Cattrall
Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling, Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal, Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling; The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel. - George Du Maurier
A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air. - Eric Sloane
The voice of the heart is much stronger than all the other sounds and words spoken without feelings - Ekamdeep Singh
It takes a special ear to appreciate the many sounds of good music. - Xela Ffonrims
I still CONTINUE SAYING "Honest"... and "Honesty.." sounds like addiction to words. - Deyth Banger
The more I read, {the Bible] the more Paul sounds like a stroke victim, who never taught a thing that Jesus taught, and only quotes him once, in Acts, wrongly, and the 12 are constantly chastising him for his teachings. - Glenn Hefley
We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness. - Brené Brown
Sounds of Time rattles the silence of Reality. An illusion pierces through similar existence and creates a conflict zone. - Amitav Chowdhury
As our larynxes descended, we were able to make sounds with our mouths in new and far more expressive ways. Verbal language soon overtook physical gesturing as the primary means of communication for all human beings except Italians. (Earth (The Book), p. 36) - Jon Stewart
The resounding echo of the mortal coil, echoes in the ears of those who are unprepared for it. To some, it sounds like a symphony - to others, a death toll.
Boys did not go to work on the railroad simply because their fathers did. What fetched them were sights and sounds of moving trains, and above all the whistle of a locomotive. I've heard of the call of the wild, the call of the law, the call of the church. There is also the call of the railroad. - Gary Krist
The cop looks annoyed, like we're giving him a headache. I want to explain everything to him that its really not as screwed up as it all sounds, but then I remember that it is. - johnathon trooper
The days go by, through the brief silence of winter, when the sunshine is so still and pure, like iced wine, and the dead leaves gleam brown, and water sounds hoarse in the ravines. - D.H. Lawrence
No, she laughed." How on earth could that be done? If you try to laugh and say ‘No’ at the same time, it sounds like neighing yet people are perpetually doing it in novels. If they did it in real life they would be locked up. - Hilaire Belloc
Rap music... sounds like somebody feeding a rhyming dictionary to a popcorn popper. - Tom Robbins
Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. - Thomas Fuller
[H]is mouth pursed, but pursed in American, more generous than English pursing, ready for broader vowels and less mincing sounds. His body was long and lean and trim; he had American hips, ready for a neat belt and the faraway ghost of a gunbelt. - A.S. Byatt
you need to listen to the silence in order to hear the messages from universe..because beyond the silence there's more sounds connecting you with universal powers.. - gayan fonseka
I’m surrounding by beautiful sounds, my son singing in his room and a gentle rain. There are so many simple pleasures God gives us we just have to listen for them. - Ron Baratono
I remember growing up, saying you’re an artist it sounds pretentious but now it’s one of the only dignified things that you can call yourself. - Marilyn Manson
The deer hovered by the trees beyond as the sounds of the ravening wolves came to them across the grass, their own senses almost frozen in impotent horror. - David Clement-Davies
oh, oh GreenHollyWood says with a smile and even and angry sounds like devil who comes from hell... says not to lie and now he lies... so clever and such a smart ass. (Isn't he?!??!) - Deyth Banger
And now the birds were singing overhead, and there was a soft rustling in the undergrowth, and all the sounds of the forest that showed that life was still being lived blended with the souls of the dead in a woodland requiem. The whole forest now sang for Granny Weatherwax. - Terry Pratchett
You bothered yourself and changed the season. I was left behind with your awful sounds. - Cat Alonso
The finest words in the world are only vain sounds if you cannot understand them. - Anatole France
I say 'girl' because I love to annoy people. I love the word 'girl'. 'Gal' is pretty great, too. I don't just want to be called a woman. It sounds like someone with a mustache. - Bette Midler
I don't have an English accent because this is what English sounds like when spoken properly. - James Carr
Be ready. Be seated. See what courage sounds like. See how brave it is to reveal yourself in this way. But above all, see what it is to still live, to profoundly influence the lives of others after you are gone, by your words. - Abraham Verghese
Ignorance,... wow sounds like you are now in it... so you came out here... so welcome to my club ignored! - Deyth Banger
I want music, I don't want stupidity, (Hey)... (mey)... I don't give a shit, so far it sounds like stupidity changes tracks and it's on the track and it waits to appear! - Deyth Banger
When the sounds of the world around you vanish, what is left but screaming silence. - Markus Peterson
With you, intimacy colours my voice.even ‘hello’ sounds like ‘come here'. - Warsan Shire
There's some things that people don't admit because they don't like the way it sounds. - Cindy Chupack
LADY BRACKNELLThis noise is extremely unpleasant. It sounds as if he was having an argument. I dislike arguments of any kind. They are always vulgar, and often convincing. - Oscar Wilde
Artist paint images unseen, musicians create sounds that emerge from silence, and authors write from a synthetic point of view about a world that can never exist. - Carl Henegan
When people get into their 30s plus "boyfriend" sounds weird...if you really think about it. Instead, I think we should universally start using the term "manfriend" or "snookie bookie cuddles pie". - Michelle M. Pillow
It seemed hardly feasible that anyone could tune an oil barrel, and even less credible that the barrel could make music like nothing else in the world. She thought those sounds were magic. - Stieg Larsson
Sunflowers hellos from gate to gate. The hour at the square. Candy, art, books, look. A warmth given. Beauties with rain forest hair Walk by the clock tower. Sunlight of neon, the keys inside their eyes. No storms. Traffic sounds, salt air. Salt that moves the thirst and destroys all the fears. - Gwen Calvo
Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty. - Ellen Glasgow
Reh Gyi Rasm-e-Azan, Rooh-e-Bilali Na RahiFalsafa Reh Gya, Talqeen-e-Ghazali Na RahiAzan yet sounds, but never now Like Bilal’s, soulfully;Philosophy, conviction-less, Now mourns its Ghazzali - Muhammad Iqbal
I would kiss you in the middle of the ocean during a lightning storm cuz I'd rather be left for dead than wondering what thunder sounds like. - Andrea Gibson
Oh! The blissful sounds of natureSink deep into your heartGive eternal joy,All anxiety melts away. - Balroop Singh
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