[H]is mouth pursed, but pursed in American, more generous than English pursing, ready for broader vowels and less mincing sounds. His body was long and lean and trim; he had American hips, ready for a neat belt and the faraway ghost of a gunbelt. - A.S. Byatt
The knives of betrayal and drama cut deep and hurt… but they also trim away the nonsense and reveal your true friends. - Steve Maraboli
Groom yourself and your life like a shrub. Trim off the edges and you'll be stronger in the broken places. Embrace the new growth and blossom at the tips. - D'Andre Lampkin
Life is like a diamond. More you trim it, more it becomes beautiful... - Naeem Baig
Viņudien skatos - govs norāvusies un iebridusi bietēs. Es saku: "Vaidav, izlīdziet!" Un ko jūs domājat! Aizskrēja. Vienreiz iekoda kājā un tūdaļ atpakaļ. Ausis nolaidis, aste kājstarpē. Viņš jutās neērti. Es arī. Govs tāpat. Visiem trim kauns. - Ēriks Hānbergs
The Devil loves it when we point fingers at Rome/ other Denominations and forget our very church. ''SELF''. while i scrutinize the Pope and his deeds. Let me trim my lamp. let me wash my robe. let me sweep my house being fully ready for my Lord's coming - Mary Tornyenyor