Quotation Explorer - 'Lean'

When I lean my ear up against your seashell heart, I can hear an ocean of love roaring inside. - John Mark Green
Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known. - A.A. Milne
Marriage can bore you but there is a fortitude that comes from it, too. When you need to lean on it, you are so thankful that you can. - Ellen Tien
You smile and draw me near and whisper, "Do as dreamers do."I lean to you and whisper in your ear, "I cannot dream tonight my Dear. For it is you. - Shaun Hick
Depend not on another, but lean instead on thyself...True happiness is born of self-reliance. - The laws of Manu
Statistics are like lampposts: they are good to lean on, but they don't shed much light.
Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. - William Shakespeare
It's time to make love, douse the glim; The fireflies twinkle and dim; The stars lean together Like birds of a feather, And the loin lies down with the limb. - Conrad Aiken
The ledger of my life can lean heavy with a prolific array of stellar investments, yet in the tallying I would be wise to remember that an investment that is not of God will leave a zero balance on the ledger of my life no matter how many different ways I try to add it up. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God will help you do it if you trust and lean on Him for guidance and strength. - Tamara L. Chilver
People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind. - W.B. Yeats
Mere grimness is as easy as grinning; but it requires something to put a handsome face on a story. Narratives become of suspicious merit in proportion as they lean to Newgate-like offenses, particularly of blood and wounds... - Leigh Hunt
I must be lean & write & make worlds beside this to live in. - Sylvia Plath
A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary. - Dorothy C. Fisher
Perhaps the saddest part of coexistence is the concept of interdependence being necessary for any form of solidarity to be realized. Being encouraged to lean on the weak, does not sound like a long term viable solution to attaining strength. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Let your cares drive you to God. I shall not mind if you have many of them if each one leads you to prayer. If every fret makes you lean more on the Beloved, it will be a benefit. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
If there is a very strong love behind you that you can lean against to it, nothing can ever shake you very strongly! - Mehmet Murat ildan
FIT: Overall lean frame gained due to regular planned exercising and balanced diet...having the right metabolism. - Deshwal Sachin
Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. - William Shakespeare
A soft and sheltered Christianity, afraid to be lean and lone, unwilling to face the storms and brave the heights, will end up fat and foul in the cages of conformity. - Vance Havner
The only one that believes in you, is you. Don't lean on how others see you to find belief in yourself. - Anthony Liccione
Jonah shifts to lean back a little farther, moaning as he does. Holy heck, my leg hurts, he says, still with that strained, forced lightness.Again, Hallelujah mimics his tone. ‘Holy heck’? That’s cutting it close.I have a gash in my leg the size of the Mississippi. I can say whatever I want. - Kathryn Holmes
It was nothing but a hole, a mouth open wide. You could lean over the edge and peer down to see nothing. All I knew about the well was its frightening depth. It was deep beyond measuring, and crammed full of darkness, as if all the world’s darkness had been boiled down to their ultimate density. - Haruki Murakami
As more women lean in to their careers, more men need to lean in to their families. We need to encourage men to be more ambitious in their homes. - Sheryl Sandberg
Honour bought of coin is but grass in the wind. When the wind blows south it leans south; when the wind blows north so does it lean. Hardly solid rock upon which to forge sturdy trust nor imperishable friendship - JJ Matebesi
A mother is not a person to lean on but person to make leaning unnecessary.
Something like another wave of despair crashes into me. "I'm so heavy." I blink and a tear slides down my cheek."Then you lean on us for a while. Let us carry you, Joy, until you're not heavy anymore. That's what family is. - Jolene Perry
(Referring to the piano's natural shape) Isn't it a shame when those big fat opera singers lean against the pianos and bend them? - Victor Borge
[H]is mouth pursed, but pursed in American, more generous than English pursing, ready for broader vowels and less mincing sounds. His body was long and lean and trim; he had American hips, ready for a neat belt and the faraway ghost of a gunbelt. - A.S. Byatt
Wiping the tears off another’s eyes is one of the sweetest and coolest gestures ever. It says, I am here if you need to talk or a shoulder to lean on. I may not understand your pains but I would do anything to keep the tears from falling. - Omoakhuana Anthonia
When you are at a loss of words then go with your feelings. If you feel nothing you must rely on your thinking. If your thinking is not clear then lean on the spirit. With Spirit you cannot go wrong! - James Brown
lean in to kiss mein all the placeswhere the acheis the most special. - Sanober Khan
Lean in a bit so you can see the beautiful world, but don't lean in too far because you can fall - Nina Boddin
Every now and then I like to lean out my window, look up and smile for a satellite picture. - Steven Wright
Live in a way that helps you lean into your fears, make a difference and live without regret. - Richie Norton
And so the dentist says 'Rinse.' So you lean over, and you're lookin' at this miniature toilet bowl. - Bill Cosby
You must learn from your past mistakes, but not lean on your past successes. - Denis Waitley
Giants too need a shoulder to lean on. They might be the shoulder to stand on when they're on their feet. - David Gatata
ma chère penchons sur les filons géologiques (my dear let us lean on geographical veins) - Aimé Césaire
You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over too far backward. - James Thurber
All governments eventually lean further and further towards aristocracy. - Frank Herbert
Every act has both good and evil results. Every act in life yields pairs of opposites in its results. The best we can do is lean toward the light, toward the harmonious relationships that come from compassion with suffering, from understanding the other person. - Joseph Campbell
I want my list of works to be lean and mean and everything was urgent and had to be done. Nothing to play the market. My family’s had to suffer for that, that I haven’t done commercial jobs just to bring home the bacon. - Josh Alan Friedman
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