Honour bought of coin is but grass in the wind. When the wind blows south it leans south; when the wind blows north so does it lean. Hardly solid rock upon which to forge sturdy trust nor imperishable friendship - JJ Matebesi
We can speak and think only of what exists. And what exists is uncreated and imperishable for it is whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and continuous. - Parmenides
The soul of man is immortal and imperishable. - Plato
To resist and subdue Nature is to make for one's self a personal and imperishable life: it is to break free from the vicissitudes of Life and Death. - Aleister Crowley
Why would we want fame, when God promises us glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we're called to win a crown that is imperishable? - Paul David Washer
Everything that seems imperishable tends to extinguishment. - Marcel Proust
Nature alone can speak to our intelligence an imperishable language, never changing, because it remains within the bounds of eternal truth and of what is absolutely noble and beautiful. - George Sand