Quotation Explorer - 'Golf'

Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at. - Jimmy Demaret
Give me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air. - Jack Benny
Golf may be played on Sunday, not being a game within the view of the law, but being a form of moral effort. - Stephen Leacock
I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles.
Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into a even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill- designed for the purpose.
Golf is a good walk, ruined. - Mark Twain
life is like golf game , Hole after hole - Zakaria Chidmi
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. - Will Rogers
If you watch a game, it's fun. If you play at it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf. - Bob Hope
The pressures of business relationships: so I tell the guy I usually have my tea time at 10 o’clock every morning. He calls me at noon (very upset) because I didn’t meet him on the golf course. - Eric Christopher Jackson
If I had my way, any man guilty of golf would be ineligible for any office of trust in the United States. - H. L. Mencken
I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators. - Gerald R. Ford
Chris enjoys spending quality time while cooking, wine tasting, attending opera, playing golf, and practicing martial arts JiuJitsu. - Chris Salamone
It's considered good sportsmanship not to pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling. - Mark Twain
The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf. - Bertrand Russell
It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf. - H. L. Mencken
The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf. - Will Rogers
Golf is the most fun I've ever had, with my clothes on.
Me too. Do you want to meet me at the golf course after you get off work tomorrow? Then we can see each other all afternoon.""That sounds good."Which it did. But even if she'd said "Do you want to meet me at the surface of the sun?" I'd still have agreed to it. - Mindi Scott
They say golf is not a contact sport. Not the way we play it.
Life is not all golf.
Remember the generational battles twenty years ago? Remember all the screaming at the dinner table about haircuts, getting jobs and the American dream? Well, our parents won. They're out living the American dream on some damned golf course in Vero Beach, and we're stuck with the jobs and haircuts. - P. J. O'Rourke
Golf is a game in which you claim the privileges of age, and retain the playthings of childhood. - Samuel Johnson
The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief—call it what you will—than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the counterattractions of cinema, motor bicycle and golf course. - A.A. Milne
A well hit golf shot is a feeling that goes up the shaft, right through your hands and into your heart. - Ben Hogan
Golf isn't a game, it's a choice that one makes with one's life. - Charles Rosin
Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. - Dave Barry
Golf is a good walk spoiled. - Mark Twain
The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has. Even when you make a tax form out on the level, you don't know when it's through if you are a crook or a martyr. - Will Rogers
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