Quotation Explorer - 'Whistle'

Heap on more wood - the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still. - Sir Walter Scott
Nicole can do anything that involves a ball and whistle. - Laurie Halse Anderson
Pre-high tech, objects thunked and crashed and clopped, amid a thunder of drums, a tumult of trumpets. Today things beep and cheep and whistle. We have come from the roar of the lion to the chirp of the tree frog, ceaselessly bleating our identities while the frog-eating bats hover above us. - A.J. Orde
Boys did not go to work on the railroad simply because their fathers did. What fetched them were sights and sounds of moving trains, and above all the whistle of a locomotive. I've heard of the call of the wild, the call of the law, the call of the church. There is also the call of the railroad. - Gary Krist
Once, I took the penny whistle you gave me and discovered a spotby the roaring falls where I could play as loud as I wanted. I lay in the bifurcated trunkof a low-slung birch tree. The sun peeked through applauding leaves, high overhead. - Kristen Henderson
Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance and shimmy, and you've got an audience! - Diogenes Laƫrtius
Poetry is a rich, full-bodied whistle, cracked ice crunching in pails, the night that numbs the leaf, the duel of two nightingales, the sweet pea that has run wild, Creation's tears in shoulder blades. - Boris Pasternak
Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you've got an audience.
I wasn't born of a whistle or milked from a thistle at twilightNo I was all horns and thorns sprung out fully formed, knock-kneed and upright. - Joanna Newsom
I am the penny whistle of American literature. - Nelson Algren
Putting down the power right from the whistle would be ugly and brutal, but it would get the job done. He wanted to tell her that, but this was the thing with coaching: you had to step back at exactly the moment you ached to step forward. - Chris Cleave
When a dog runs at you, whistle for him. - Henry David Thoreau
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