Quotation Explorer - 'Intentionally'

If a person is not careful of oneself, many others around make him fool by giving plenty of advice full of lies . Some will do it intentionally but most of them ignorantly. - Anuj Somany
Remember, everyone you meet is really trying to do the best they can. No one woke up today and intentionally decided to be mean, difficult, or unreasonable - including you. - John Bruna
Here is little habit that can make a big difference. Send sunbeams. Intentionally send a word of encouragement or appreciation every day to one person. - Steve Goodier
When I intentionally thank God for the good gifts that come from being his child, I find it almost impossible to maintain my sour disposition. - Lori Hatcher
Few born liars ever intentionally embark in truth’s direction, even those who believe that such a journey might axiomatically set them free. - Mary Karr
Many of our efforts to intentionally craft and subsequently force our limited vision on life has more often than not resulted in some degree of cataclysm or schism or division or any number of other things that aren’t all that savory. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Maria, it sounds like he was insane. Rational people don't intentionally addict people. I feel sorry for those poor people who were unsuspecting victims. - Dianne Harman Cornered Coyote
To intentionally pass on opportunity is to intentionally pass on living. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Be an intentionally D.U.M.B. Person today! D-Demonstrate love to someone todayU-Understand and encourage someone todayM-Motivate someone todayB-Believe in someone today - DeWayne Owens
Making oneself large involves intentionally making oneself small. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We forget the good people do, but remember the not-so-good they might have intentionally or intentionally done !Be Brave and Forgive ! - Sham Hinduja
It is not fit that I should give myself pain, for I have never intentionally given pain even to another. - Marcus Aurelius
Disinformation is distinguished from misinformation in that it is intentionally fraudulent. - Ellen P. Lacter
Mother’s particular devils had remained mysterious to me for decades. So had her past. Few born liars ever intentionally embark in truth’s direction, even those who believe that such a journey might axiomatically set them free. - Mary Karr
One doesn't intentionally to alter the truth, just enhance it and make it more memorable. - John H. Alexander
Most of the people who have verbally asserted that ‘there is no master of pronounciation’ have intentionally made a claim and unintentionally made their claim believable. (It is ‘pro-nun-ciation’ not ‘pro-noun-ciation’.) - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I don't believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don't judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free. - Angelina Jolie
A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart. - Shannon L. Alder
It doesn’t pain so much seeing one who can’t or don’t understand often the right points of others as much understanding a person who out of own selfishness, either ignorantly or intentionally, often supports the wrong people. - Anuj Somany
Surrendering is intentionally laying down the power I possess. And have I considered that the power I lay down is often more powerful than that which I’m laying it down in front of? Therefore, I would be wise to recognize that surrender is less the absence of power and more the presence of fear. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Police intentionally murdering a mentally unstable person will always be unacceptable when there are numerous other non-lethal options available to them. - Steven Magee
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