Quotation Explorer - 'Mentally'

Generous people are rarely mentally ill. - Dr. Karl Menninger
It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible reading People.
My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers. - Woody Allen
One of the things I’ve learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality. - Onyi Anyado
Wherever in the world a country is governed by spiritually ill, politically empty, ethically rotten and mentally stupid people, over there you can find nothing but chaos, tears and fire! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Her scar tissue, which she seems to amass both physically and mentally, may not be pretty, but they have become tougher than if she had never been wounded at all. - Donna Lynn Hope
Mentally I can die, Emotionally I can cry, Physically I can sigh, Spirituality I can fly. If I just try. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
We do live in a world with lunatic and mentally corrupted people, and still you expect I shouldn’t smash some faces. - M.F. Moonzajer
Although I was able to maintain a pleasant expression, I was mentally throwing up in her face. - Augusten Burroughs
Want to do something noble and courageous while you're on this Earth treat the mentally ill like they have some worth. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I think that we're all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better--and maybe not all that much better, after all. - Stephen King
a manual for how to build a mentally ill child - David Foster Wallace
Police intentionally murdering a mentally unstable person will always be unacceptable when there are numerous other non-lethal options available to them. - Steven Magee
To imagine is to risk being mentally blind. - Ogwo David Emenike
We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I believe challenges are God's way of strengthening us mentally and spiritually, and yes, physically. After having won each challenge that confronted us, we are wiser and stronger. - Ellen J. Barrier
Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective. - Alexander William Gaskarth
How terrible it was to still be mentally and emotionally attached to someone from whom you have been physically separated. - Elif Shafak
Poor or rich, black or white, quiet or naughty, mentally defective or sharp-witted, thin or fat, all children are great! - Mehmet Murat ildan
My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can. - Frank Zappa
Every time you think of escaping mentally or physically, grab the book that lies inches away from your heart. - Muna Adnan Naqi
One of the things I've learned about vision is people will grab it mentally or, have a crab mentality. - Onyi Anyado
Welcome to where time stands stillNo one leaves and no one willMoon is full, never seems to changeJust labeled mentally derangedDream the same thing every nightI see our freedom in my sightNo locked doors, No windows barredNo things to make my brain seem scarred - Metallica Welcome Home Sanitarium
Personal growth is the only thing which is going to remain with you forever. Therefore, your basic goal in life should be continuously grow physically, mentally and spiritually irrespective of whatever circumstances might be. - www.kavikishor.com
For all the normal people who make fun of the mentally ill it's spelled K.A.R.M.A. and it's pronounced your days coming, Bitch! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
A guy who is equipped mentally and educationally doesn't need a confidence check. He is positioned and prepared to GO. Are you? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
I have often reflected upon the new vistas that reading has opened to me. I knew right there in prison that reading had changed forever the course of my life. As I see it today, the ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive. - Malcolm X
It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. - E. W. Dijkstra
You must dare to disassociate yourself from those who would delay your journey... Leave, depart, if not physically, then mentally. Go your own way, quietly, undramatically, and venture toward trueness at last. - Vernon Howard
She heard and mentally recorded people's words in the same way she copied words she read. Could she ever hear what a person did not say? - Eucharista Ward
Striving for successful goals will have a tendency at times to be discouraging, thankless, and mentally draining. You are entitled to these feelings, however you are not entitled to give up. - DeWayne Owens
Don't make a physical decision on an emotional feeling that will led you to mentally suffering in the end. - Jerome D. Williams
Being crazy doesn't mean being mentally challenged. Maybe it just means being you...amplified a 100 times over. - Mamur Mustapha
It was an undemanding job both physically and mentally, which was fine. Stress was for the rich and hard-working. - Joe Cawley
For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or "consciously" desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to star, or you will just stay where you are. - D. H. Lawrence
Encourage anyone who is trying to improve mentally, physically, or spiritually. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Thank you for that, boy genius! Where did you graduate from? Hogwarts School for the Mentally Unbalanced? - Leia Shaw
To eliminate statism is not to physically subdue the rulers, but to mentally liberate the ruled. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
It is impossible to enslave, mentally or socially, a bible-reading people. The principles of the bible are the groundwork of human freedom. - Horace Greeley
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