Quotation Explorer - 'Ethos'

The ethos of redemption is realized in self-mastery, by means of temperance, that is, continence of desires. - Pope John Paul II
Writing the same kind of material is no guarantee you'll be working from the same ethos so that writers from different fields are just as likely to have an understanding of each other's work as someone working in the same genre. - Sara Sheridan
in America we have people from all kinds of backgrounds, all in a cluster, together, and consequently law has become very important in this country. Lawyers and law are what hold us together. There is no ethos. - Joseph Campbell
There is no law, there is only conjecture. The Progressive ethos changes the law's meaning according to fad and fashion. - A.E. Samaan
The working class had imposed upon them a sterile and authoritarian educational system which mirrored the ethos of the corporate workplace. - Anthony M. Platt
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