Quotation Explorer - 'Dreamt'

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - William Shakespeare
Your life is your dream dreamt by your heart. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes things do not go the way one wanted them to go... At times like this, one would wish that one had not dreamt so much. Just hang in there... destination is just a mile away. - Hari Kumar K
She called herself an angel, and wandered the world from girlhood till death. She lived every kind of life and dreamt every kind of dream. She was wild in her wandering, a drop of free water. She believed only in her life and in her dreams. She called herself an angel, and her god was Beauty. - Roman Payne
We as human being do dream & do expect a lot for what we are not entitled but there comes a phase when we get what we have never expected or dreamt of.... So, Accept every little thing that life offers cause might be this is what we deserve ....... - Anonymous.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - William Shakespeare
She called herself an angel, and wandered the world from girlhood till death. She lived every kind of life and dreamt every kind of dream. She was wild in her wandering, a drop of free water. She believed only in her life, and only in her dreams. She called herself an angel, and her god was Beauty. - Roman Payne
When prescribing one of the drugs I take, my doctor warned me of a common side effect: exaggerated, intensely vivid dreams. To be honest, I've never really noticed the difference. I've always dreamt big. - Michael J. Fox
Its weird how i dream things that are worth writing.Its like God is writing them into my mind while i am sleeping and the moment i woke up i know i have to write what i dreamt - Tebogo Phakedi
All night I dreamt of bonfires and burn piles and ghosts of men, and spirits behind those birds of flame. I cannot tell anymore when a door opens or closes, I can only hear the frame saying, Walk through. - Ada Limon
We met last fall, and dreamt of summer days together. Winter came, and when you left, Winter stayed. - William C Hannan
We dreamt of a crappy apartment somewhereMaking love while we let the midnight airFlow through the open window, into our closed heartsLeft bitter from heartbreak and too much time apart - Jessica-Lynn Barbour
Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me.No hope, no harm; just another false alarm - Morrissey
When you least expect it is when the person you always dreamt of will finally show up. - Shannon L. Alder
And the man who dreamt of flight has tripped and fallen in a hole. - Shaun Hick
I dreamt that I was old. And you you were beside me.Forever young in your hand, a cup of stars. - Joanne Harris
I dreamt of worldly success once. - Miyamoto Musashi
Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night. - Isaac Asimov
When other girls were dreaming about love, she dreamt of love too, but in an entirely different context - the ones they took for granted. - Donna Lynn Hope
I dreamt -- marvellous error! -- that I had a beehive here inside my heart. And the golden bees were making white combs and sweet honey from my old failures. - Antonio Machado
I dreamt of you last night - as if I was playing the piano and you were turning the pages for me. - Vladimir Nabokov
Work for what you want, pray for what you need and fight for what you've always dreamt about. - M. G. Dahlman
If it is sensible to believe that a person becomes who s/he dreams to be, then it is also reasonable to ponder if the beggars and buggers dreamt to be who they are like in their lives. - Anuj Somany
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. - Rabindranath Tagore
Wednesday had come and gone in a single breath. As I dreamt of divine love, Picasso, and a vast field of gold, a new dawn had already begun. - Terry A. O'Neal
I once dreamt of being a writer, to have my words known by many from many countries; this dream i dreamt came true...so why cant your dream come true too? Rayvon L Browne does not believe in the word cant - Rayvon L Browne - Rayvon L. Browne
I dreamt we walked together along the shore. We made satisfying small talk and laughed. This morning I found sand in my shoe and a seashell in my pocket. Was I only dreaming? - Maya Angelou
Sacred dreams are dreamt day by day. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Let me tell you that a girl of eleven is capable of far more than is dreamt of in most universes... - Alison McGhee
Is it a fact or have I dreamt it that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time? - Nathaniel Hawthorne
I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas: they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind.
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