Quotation Explorer - 'Foods'

Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; and good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts. - James Beard
Sustainable Foods = Sustainable Health = Sustainable Life = Victory - Elizabeth Salamanca-Brosig
General Motors, General Mills, General Foods, general ignorance, general apathy, and general cussedness elect presidents and Congressmen and maintain them in power. - Herbert M. Shelton
Plenty of foods inside my stomach.Soul is empty. - Munia Khan
Genes are overrated...Genes never helped anybody pick the right foods or hit the gym floor at 6 am. Its you as a person; its always been YOU! - Dr Deepak Hiwale, aka 'The Fitness Doc'
Processed foods are made to be addictive which is why we can't stop craving them. - Nancy S. Mure
In your spare time, google the ingredients in all the foods you are eating. If you care about yourself, you may change your menu - Sahndra Fon Dufe
Radiation does discriminate. If you are sedentary and eating processed foods then you will be more affected than a person that exercises and eats fresh organic food. - Steven Magee
Liberty is like those solid and tasty foods or those full-bodied wines which are appropriate for nourishing and strengthening robust constitutions that are used to them, but which overpower, ruin and intoxicate the weak and delicate who are not suited for them. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Think about your own life. Are there foods or drinks that call your name in your weakest moments—like maybe at night in front of the TV? Are there certain treats you can hardly resist when they’re in your presence? Are there goodies that you continue to eat even after you’re full? - Josh Bezoni
I had to piece together a diet for her, too. I knew which combinations of which foods on which days would rehang everything that was draped so delicately beneath her skin. In a matter of months, the body under the smock was organized anew, redistributed - Gary Lutz
If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. - Thomas Jefferson
People go through life blindly, ignoring death like revellers at a party feasting on fine foods. They ignore that later they will have to go to the toilet, so they do not bother to find out where there is one. When nature finally calls, they have no idea where to go and are in a mess. - Ajahn Chah
The best catering and Home food delivery in Singapore, without food borne illness, a variety of food menu and all the foods are made by the best chefs to deal your every requirement. - Tingkat Delivery
As parents, we have the responsibility and the power to create a foundational love for nutritious foods that will influence our children's choices for decades to come, setting the stage for our children, grandchildren, and future generations to flourish in wellness and health. - Leah Borski
The point to keep in mind is that you don't lose fat because you cut calories; you lose fat because you cut out the foods that make you fat-the carbohydrates. - Gary Taubes
I can be tolerant of traffic jams and disorganization, faulty technology, miserable weather, and bland foods. People, however, require more than the cold, grudging favor of being tolerated. They require love. - Richelle E. Goodrich
HEALTHY EATING isn't about counting fat grams, dieting, cleanses, and antioxidants; Its about eating food untouched from the way we find it in nature in a balanced way; Whole foods give us all that we need to perfectly nourish ourselves. - Pooja Mottl
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