Quotation Explorer - 'Treatment'

Just as it would be madness to settle on medical treatment for the body of a person by taking an opinion poll of the neighbors, so it is irrational to prescribe for the body politic by polling the opinions of the people at large. - Plato
God’s Word is the ultimate beauty treatment for every woman. - Elizabeth George
The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated. - Plato
Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical. - Mahatma Gandhi
Give royal treatment to your original magic effects, because one of the effects might make you the king of magic. - Amit Kalantri
Ours was the first nation to be founded on the idea that all are created equal and all deserve equal treatment under the law. Despite our missteps and shortcomings, these ideals still inspire hope among the oppressed and give us pride in being Americans. - Jimmy Carter
Respond with love and kindness even to hurtful treatment. - Debasish Mridha
It is a wise man who said there is no inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.Fillossofee: Messages From a Grandfather, an ebook - Thomas Jefferson (?)
In the treatment of poverty nationally, one fact stands out: there are twice as many white poor as Negro poor in the United States. Therefore I will not dwell on the experiences of poverty that derive from racial discrimination, but will discuss the poverty that affects white and Negro alike. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Love is the best treatment for depression. To get better, you have to give it away as much as you can, as fast as you can, and as often as you can. - Debasish Mridha
The inmost spirit of poetry, in other words, is at bottom, in every recorded case, the voice of pain and the physical body, so to speak, of poetry, is the treatment by which the poet tries to reconcile that pain with the world. - Ted Hughes
A psychiatrist once told me early in treatment, Stop trying to make me like you, and what a sobering and welcome smack in the face that statement was. Yet somehow, every day of my life is still a campaign for popularity, or better yet, a crowded funeral. - John Waters
The primary treatment modality for DID is individual outpatient psychotherapy.Guidelines for Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder in Adults, Third Revision - James A. Chu
Anyone who objects to any government whatsoever as a form of socialism ought not to pull that socialist lever in their home, the one that makes their waste disappear in a whirlpool into the socialized sewage treatment plant. - John Médaille
Bibliotherapy is an inexpensive treatment not bound by time or place. - Tinnitus Today
Thanks to President Obama, I am able to get medical treatment in the USA for the long term effects of very high altitude sickness and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures. - Steven Magee
I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew. They always tried to ask what I did not know. When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance. This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations - Winston S. Churchill
Building a trust to a friend or to anyone else is like sewing an elegant gown, once betrayed the string or needle breaks and you gonna need to replace them.The relationship will go on but it will never have the same treatment. - Bradley B. Dalina
When someone is suffering from anxieties, depression, and stress, the only treatment is to change awareness and consciousness. - Debasish Mridha
The practice of love and compassion are the most important treatment for the sickness of hatred and revival of peace in the world. - Debasish Mridha
While the gentleman cherishes benign rule, the small man cherishes his native land. While the gentleman cherishes a respect for the law, the small man cherishes generous treatment. - Confucius
There is nothing more unequal, than the equal treatment of unequal people. - Thomas Jefferson
Broken hearts don't need medical treatment, they need a lover to mend them. - Dixie Waters
We are not at the bargaining table in agreement to end abuse to our world. We are on the battlefield deciding everyday if we will let this world die or live, by how we contribute to its treatment. - Shannon L. Alder
He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. - Immanuel Kant
Of all the problems which will have to be faced in the future, in my opinion, the most difficult will be those concerning the treatment of the inferior races of mankind. - Leonard Darwin
When a dog acts viciously we assume the reason is poor treatment and training by its owner. When a person acts criminally we look for the explanation in his brain, blood, and urine. When will psychiatrists begin testifying to the incompetence of schizophrenic pit bulls?
There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people. - Thomas Jefferson
We each have the innate ability to heal ourselves. To empower ourselves with natural solutions, instead of succumbing to life-altering chemicals. There's a time and place for pharmaceuticals, but it shouldn't be the first answer, nor the only form treatment. - Dana Arcuri
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. - Aristotle
Our treatment of animals, in every department, is deeply and systematically immoral. Becoming a vegetarian is only the most minimal ethical response to the magnitude of the evil. - Colin McGinn
trichloroethane [...] All my extensive testing has shown this to be the best treatment for a dangerous excess of human knowledge - Chuck Palahniuk
You can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. - James Beverly
I always deserve the best treatment because I never put up with any other. - Jane Austen
Building a trust to a friend or to anyone else is like sewing a an elegant gown, once betrayed the string or needle breaks and gonna need to replace them.The relationship will go on but it will never have the same treatment. - Bradley B. Dalina
A minute later the steam stopped. By then, I was soaking wet and, no doubt, my pores were open. Some people pay a fortune for this kind of beauty treatment. I got mine for free, if you disregard the bruises, headache and all those dead people."- Corin Hayes, Silent City (working title) - G.R. Matthews
Age defying facial treatment cream which helps to remove fine line and wrinkles from your faceMany more benefits will show on your face soon with the usage of this Benevita wrinkle cream. - ACN Wealth Mentoring
Everybody wants a perfect face, which able to attract others, but without perfect teeth you can’t show yourself to others but everything is possible if you have strong desire to change your look,So Cal Dental care presents Cosmetic Dentistry treatment in North Hollywood. - So Cal dental
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