He's the thrilling, scary Boyfriend who's going to dare you to do things you'd never dreamed of, shower you with unreasonable presents, and show up uninvited at the most embarrassing times. Then he's going to stick with you, refusing to take the hint when you don't answer his calls. - Sara Miles
When you make an embarrassing mistake, learn to let the memories be enough to let you laugh about it today. - Julieanne O'Conner
I've been embarrassing myself since about birth. - Phil Lester
It's embarrassing to be human. - Kurt Vonnegut
It's a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research & study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other. - Aldous Huxley
Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don't forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. - Paula Danziger
It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener. - Ayn Rand
As a woman, I find it very embarrassing to be in a meeting and realize I'm the only one in the room with balls. - Rita Mae Brown
Few things in life are more embarrassing than the necessity of having to inform an old friend that you have just got engaged to his fiancee.
Its embarrassing, you try to overthrow the government and you wind up on a Best Sellers List. - Abbie Hoffman
The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always. - Arthur Miller
We all have a "Life Résumé" and regret should not be part of it. Those embarrassing FML moments are all considered experience. - Karen A. Baquiran
The best writing is embarrassing; that’s all there is to it. - A.D. Posey
True poetry is embarrassing. - Julien Torma
Saying that you do not remember something or someone is a less embarrassing or hurtful way of saying that you do not know it or them anymore. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I grab at Smitty and he at me, and, for one horrible, deperately embarrassing second we fly into each others arms like Shaggy and Scooby Don't. - Kirsty McKay
Girls, now, they wear leggings. As pants. It's embarrassing. Just parading their coochies around town. - Stephanie Danler