Quotation Explorer - 'Impressed'

Repeatedly I have been impressed to learn that to reach a goal never before attained, one must do things never before done. - Richard G. Scott
Afraid of a wooden sword?""Just demonstrating my skills in evading an attack. Impressed? - Jennifer A. Nielsen
Emily swore and he was impressed; he'd never thought to string cocksuckingsonofabitch together in one sentence. He couldn't help himself; the snort of laughter escaped before he could hold it in. - C.H. Admirand
It is refreshing, and salutary, to study the poise and quietness of Christ. His task and responsibility might well have driven a man out of his mind. But He was never in a hurry, never impressed by numbers, never a slave of the clock. - J.B. Phillips
Hollywood-Nobody's impressed by anybody because they're all too consumed with trying to cover up their own shortcomings. Hollywood is a microcosm of a world of lazy moral ideals and social indifference where every man is trying to convince himself he's a king. - J. Matthew Nespoli
When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young. - Maya Angelou
In a world where there is so much to be done. I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do. - Dorothea Dix
I am often impressed with those that admit their ignorance, for it is the first step towards breaking out of the prison called freedom. - Lionel Suggs
I've been writing poems since I was sixteen. Back then, poems were an obvious release for all the frustrations and anxieties associated with adolescence. Mostly, they were a way for me to impress girls, even though I never remember any girls being impressed. - Tony Magistrale
from speech- People are more impressed by the power of our example rather than the example of our power... - Bill Clinton
She'll be really impressed if you take control and let her follow your lead. - Auliq Ice
Whenever i see someone fighting me for no reason, I'm always highly impressed that God has instigated his anger against me, just as he did to pharoah against the Israelites, so as to cast me away into my promise land of fulfilment. - Michael Bassey Johnson
He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind. - Samuel Johnson
Whenever I see a photograph of some sportsman grinning over his kill, I am always impressed by the striking moral and esthetic superiority of the dead animal to the live one. - Edward Abbey
...am so deeply impressed with the fair mindedness and tolerance of the American people... - Virchand Gandhi
The difference between writers and readers is similar to the difference between expressionism and impressionism. Writers want to express themselves and readers want to be impressed. - Claire Amber
All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is taste. Others have the same love in such success that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is art. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another. - Ellen Goodman
Impression I was certain of it. I was just telling myself that, since I was impressed, there had to be some impression in it and what freedom, what ease of workmanship! Wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished than that seascape. - Claude Monet
["The Devil in the Dark"] impressed me because it presented the idea, unusual in science fiction then and now, that something weird, and even dangerous, need not be malevolent. That is a lesson that many of today's politicians have yet to learn. - Arthur C. Clarke
Would you rather have people be impressed by who you are or respect who you've become? - Paula Sours
I am usually more impressed with people who are artful in shuffling a deck, than those who can masterfully play chess. - Lionel Suggs
I haven’t been very impressed lately.By people,or places,or the way someone said he loved me and then slowly changed his mind. - Charlotte Eriksson
I have always been impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of individuals who never use their minds if they can avoid it, and an equal number who do use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. - Carl Jung
Give everyone room to mess up so that when they do you won't be disappointed and if they don't you'll be impressed. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
I'm impressed when men go the distance to show they give a damn. That says nothing about the woman and everything about the man. - Donna Lynn Hope
Take control from the moment you step in her place. She'll be pleasantly surprised and impressed. - Auliq Ice
The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people go right through life in the grip of an idea which has been impressed on them in very tender years. - Agatha Christie
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