First Embody the Emptiness of SilenceNext Embody the Fullness of Honesty & LoveThus Be HeavenSage Hope () SH... - Omid Mankoo
If you're struggling uphill; carrying your heavy load; fighting to stay afloat or battling your demons, know that you are definitely on the right path, and ascending to the place where you will one day embody the legend you seek to become. - Seon Stronghold
All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is taste. Others have the same love in such success that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is art. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
The way to embody love completely is to see and appreciate life just as it is, and not as you believe, fear, or desire it to be. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
When the Church tries to embody the rule of God in the forms of earthly power it may achieve that power, but it is no longer a sign of the kingdom. - Lesslie Newbigin
Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it. - Epictetus
Life is a gift, so appreciate it. Love is abundant, so share it.Enthusiasm is infectious, so spread it.Kindness is divine, so embody it.Peace is the only way, so embrace it.The earth is your home, so take care of it. Life is for happiness, so enjoy it. - Debasish Mridha
The church is biblical, therefore, when it seeks to embody the words in the power of the Spirit and so become a living commentary. The church is thus not only the "people of the book" but also "the (lived) interpretation of the book. - Kevin J. Vanhoozer