Quotation Explorer - 'Contracts'

He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind. - Samuel Johnson
As long as humanity has been human, it has looked toward the heavens and dreamed that some day, some way, there would be giant federal contracts involved. - Dave Barry
I don't understand this irony - valuable things like cars, gold, diamond are made up of hard materials but most valuable things like money, contracts and books are made up of soft paper. - Amit Kalantri
I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts. - Ronald Reagan
Sometimes souls are meant to meet and fleet for they have different contracts to complete. - Nikki Rowe
A woman's flattery may inflate a man's head a little; but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold quite as much love for her. - Helen Rowland
Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation, and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind. - Paul Theroux
Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated. - Nelson Mandela
Caveman used to be a hunter-gatherer...Modern man hunts for jobs(if he wants to be an employee) and for heads (if he is an employer), and later gathers paper in the form of currency notes, contracts, policies or shares. - Ankala V Subbarao
The social contract known as 'The Constitution' has been null and void since the last person who signed it, died. Even then, it was only ever applicable to the men who signed it. That's how contracts work. - Dane Whalen
Civilization transformed man from a food gatherer to a gatherer of pieces of paper: diplomas, employment contracts, money, etc. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
As government expands, liberty contracts. - Ronald Reagan
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