How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist and shirt size? - Woody Allen
He lifted his shirt, and on his back was the White Rabbit, wearing his waistcoat and looking at his watch. It was just like the illustration from the book. Only standing next to him, back-to-back, was another White Rabbit wearing a leather motercycle jacket and boots and smoking a cigar. - Michael Thomas Ford
A man who makes a plate or a shirt or a loaf of bread or anything our great great ancestors called a work of art, has no need to try to be sincere; all he can do is practice his craft to the best of his ability. But once he starts making useless things, how can he not be sincere? - René Daumal
Depressed beyond what I'd previously thought possible, I stripped, showered, and slipped on a fresh pair of jeans and a tee shirt and headed for my mom's, trying to figure out why a bank would charge twenty dollars for insufficient funds when they know you don't have it. - Kit Frazier
stronger than mountains.a place where my heart feels the safest- underneath his shirt. - Sanober Khan
I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: "What's an IQ?" - George Best
I don't trust people who don't love themselves and tell me, 'I love you.' ... There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt. - Maya Angelou
I never trust a man who tucks in his shirt by choice or neglects coffee in favor of tea. - Brian D'Ambrosio
By the time she yanked on her old jeans and a battered plaid flannel shirt, she felt almost normal. Calm, as she plugged in the coffee pot. But the nightmare was still very much on her mind, because it wasn’t a dream…It was a memory. - Dani Harper
We teachers break our bodies to give you a shirt that you will wear in the future, to conferences, to presidential speeches, to autograph signings. That is up to you and if you can do that for at least in a little thank to us. Then thank you, thank you all. - Pedro A. Pérez Raymond
Don't spend $2 to dry clean a shirt. Instead, donate it to the Salvation Army. They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. The next morning buy it back for seventy- five cents.
An income tax form is like a laundry list -- either way you lose your shirt. - Fred Allen
Snub end of a dismal year, deep in the dwarf orchard, The sky with its undercoat of blackwash and point stars,I stand in the dark and answer toMy life, this shirt I want to take off,which is on fire . . . - Charles Wright
That thing ruined my favorite T-shirt," complains Mario."Whatever." It’s Marianne’s voice. "You were just looking for a reason to get your shirt off." I try to look around for her, but my neck refuses. - Bill Blais
He walks the soft grass, wet with fresh rain, jeans slung low on his hips and shirt hanging open, still dripping from the fevered maelstrom that set fire to the night sky. Fury in his step and passion furrowing his brow...He is my perfect storm... - Virginia Alison
Don't waste water on washing your shirt, use photoshop! - EverSkeptic
So what if the airin Paris smells of romance?My shirt smells of you. - Pooja Nansi
She took the bottom of her shirt and wiped the handles of the blades. He made a face.What was that for?Fingerprints. I’m not wastin’ time explainin’ to cops why six inches of steel went into a dumbass. - Randall Kenneth Drake
DISSEMBLE, v.i. To put a clean shirt upon the character. Let us dissemble. Adam - Ambrose Bierce
[Kagura is doing laundry and tries to wring out Kyou's shirt causing it to rip in two ]Kyo Sohma: Tell me what I think just happened didn't just happen Kagura: My love !Kyo Sohma: My shirt! - Natsuki Takaya
She turned back to the door fishing her key out of her purse. Once the key was in the lock, the door flew open revealing darkness. All she had time for was a squeak before she was abruptly pulled in the house by her shirt. The door slammed shut and locked behind her with a clank of sliding metal. - Nicole Rae
Say no only when it really matters. Wear a bright red shirt with bright orange shorts? Sure. Put water in the toy tea set? Okay. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed? Fine. Samuel Johnson said, All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle. - Gretchen Rubin
In summers, after 1 hour of extreme gaming you can use your laptop to iron your shirt. - Neetesh Dixit
The shirt says; 'I bite.' You prick, not 'I blo - Antoinette Houston
his shirt had more wrinkles than a smoker's lips - Diana Rowland
The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with their shirt sleeves. - Garth Henrichs, writer
I watch him, enthralled as slowly, like the predator he is, he stalks me in time to the slow sultry beat of the music. He's barefoot, wearing just an untucked white shirt, jeans, and a smoldering look. Nina sings "You're mine" as Christian reaches me, his intention clear. - E.L. James