Quotation Explorer - '2016'

A Correct Message Is A Correct Attitude.Petra Cecilia Maria HermansSeptember 2, 2016 - Petra Hermans
The 2016 USA presidential election race clarified how an evil Nazi dictator like Adolf Hitler was able to come to power in global politics. - Steven Magee
People who are angrywill always be and stay angry.Worse.Religion of Blue CircleReligious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansOctober 4, 2016 - Petra Hermans
I love my own graceful gracious gracesensitive by sensitivity as can be.Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleOctober 21, 2016 - Petra Hermans
Hope, Glory and Victory over All the Lives of Life,Religious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansReligion of Blue CircleBabajiOctober 9, 2016 - Petra Hermans
Windows 10 on both an old 2011 upgraded computer and a new 2016 computer was an excruciating experience - Steven Magee
Midnight sail and moonlight. I remember sunset, and gentle breeze. Leaving the city lights behind, and gazing at the moon. Mountains of clouds. Waves slapping our boat. It was easy to forget that love has no direction, or need for compass. Let it guide you to its destination. ~ , 2016 - Fidelis O Mkparu
To admire me is to admire my silence,September 5, 2016 - Petra Hermans
I have come to the realization that I have reached the age or mental state of the entering a room with thought in mind syndrome only to find the thought took a turn and went elsewhere...fortunately it wasn't a life or death issue... Sept 24, 2016... thinking about life - kjforce
An HBCU that is not inherently revolutionary in 2016 is irrelevant.An African American Studies class that is not inherently revolutionary in 2016 is irrelevant. - Darnell Lamont Walker
To respect the borders of love is to respect the borders of life.The Religion Of The Blue CircleReligious Leader Petra Cecilia Maria HermansNovember 2, 2016 - Petra Hermans
A good character will be recognized by a goodcharacter.September 8, 2016 - Petra Hermans
In 1969 America put the man on the moon.In 2016 America put the man in the women's bathroom. - Celso Cukierkorn
To understand what's happening in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, you need to know what's going on in the year 2024! Soundscape: Where hearing is believing. - Royce Flippin
Michael Ende + There is joy of life.AmenNovember 20, 2016 - Petra Hermans
Happy New Year! How can the New Year be happy unless You are Happy? How can the New Year be New unless You are New?Resolve in 2-0-1-6 to be a New You and a Happy You and you will find 2016 to be a Happy New Year!- - RVM
As he spoke, the wind whistled through the gaps in his teeth, creating an odd musical accompaniment to his words. -- unpublished as of Jan 11 2016, but surely due to appear in one of my works eventually. - Kira Stone
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