Quotation Explorer - 'Successfully'

Swirling in a squirrel cage of perpetual motion, the head-committee meets, argues, votes out the guidance available from emotions, and successfully keeps serenity at bay and chaos close at hand. - David W. Earle
True development only comes when the principles of truth and honesty have been successfully transmitted into the daily and everyday lifestyle of the people. - Sunday Adelaja
A wise person is able to bring down a thousand armies with a single insight; with wisdom he successfully engages ten thousand armies with just one. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Together with God you can successfully handle any difficulty. - Jim George
Change will not successfully happen unless the emotional component is solved. - David W. Earle
Good dancers awaken the joy in our hearts, we have seen them ablaze on stage, videos, on our streets, in the theaters, in our homes, schools and they have successfully ignited the love of dancing in our soul. At least, this is the major reason why dancers are born and made. - Paul Bamikole
If you can successfully embrace the Anti-Matter version of yourself, Time would cease to exist for You. You are God! - Vishwanath S J
Desire is inspired by motivation, which gives us hope to believe in ourselves that we can set goals and pursue them successfully. - Ellen J. Barrier
A capacity, and taste, for reading, gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, or one of the keys, to the already solved problems. And not only so. It gives a relish, and facility, for successfully pursuing the [yet] unsolved ones. - Abraham Lincoln
Ludwig von Beethoven had never mastered the elements of arithmetic beyond addition and subtraction. A thirteen-year-old boy whom he had befriended tried unsuccessfully to teach him simple multiplication and division.
We have many windows to build up our career, but we can look after our career successfully from one window - Ahsan
When a family is unified, it doesn’t matter what business they’re in. They can successfully transition from one generation to the next. - Andrew Keyt
Before you can successfully make friends with others, first you have to become your own friend. - Stephen Richards
The truth is, if I were going to lose weight successfully, I would have to think about what I eat constantly. I cannot imagine a life more boring and a more time-consuming obsession than being preoccupied with what I eat. - Mindy Kaling
Communication...it is a difficult optimisation. Structurally, it gets founded over words, organised around thoughts. Words are difficult to come through, successfully, amid the thought process. The thought process in right manifestation gives rise to communication. - Priyavrat Thareja
We must practice consistent, reliable, predictable, effective, thoughtful, compassionate and even courteous communication every single day to successfully sustain, develop and grow our business. - Kip Tindell
There are so many people that use 'following your dreams' as an excuse to not work. When in reality, following your dreams, successfully, is nothing but work. - Brandon Stanton
The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent. - Mel Lazarus
The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more. - Ed Parker
Women are better at acting then men. Why? Because we have to be. If successfully convincing someone bigger than you are of something he doesn't want to know is a survival skill, this is how women have survived through the millennia. - Meryl Streep
You cannot warfare successfully if your hobby is watching T.V. Remember deep calleth unto deep - Charleen Goombs
I ought to grow up successfully, and I'm sure it will be my own fault if I don't. I feel it's a great responsibility because I have only one chance. If I don't grow up right I can't go back and begin over again. - L.M Montgomery
True Leadership is having multiple generations working together successfully and passionately to create significance. - Farshad Asl
The people who can most successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy life style are foodies. When it comes to healthy eating, people who know how to cook and make ingredients taste good have a distinct advantage over those who can't. - Edward Ugel
There is magic in the old and magic in the new; the trick is to successfully combine the two. - A.D. Posey
presidents, when not outright telling lies, feel obliged to shade the truth most of the time. This is called politics; when a president lies successfully, he is called a statesman. - Gore Vidal
From the windows, through the fur of snow, the landscape became more melancholy when the sun successfully brightened the quiet trees, unable to speak without their leaves. - Toni Morrison
Chances are no matter how bad your troubles seem to be, someone somewhere, with less resilience, has successfully conquered a more severe version of your problems. - Gary Hopkins
There are hundreds of intelligent and big brains in every country in the world to run that country successfully but somehow and often either an immoral stupid or a charlatan imbecile comes to power! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There are many reasons to be simple. It’s simply to learn effectively, to work positively, to communicate actively and to live successfully. - Dee Dee Artner
If a country successfully translate the principles of truth and honesty into their social life, then that country experiences peace, tranquillity and serenity. - Sunday Adelaja
Successfully functioning in a society with diverse values, traditions and lifestyles requires us to have a relationship to our own reactions rather than be captive of them. To resist our tendencies to make right or true, that which is nearly familiar, and wrong or false, that which is only strange. - Robert Kegan
The greatest asset to the human experience is the ability to navigate one’s emotions. By practicing the skill of detachment, one can successfully step back from the potentially destructive and tune into the purely positive - Gary Hopkins
When you refuse to entertain the possibility of a solution because you know it will not work, then you have successfully strengthened the problem at hand - Gary Hopkins
The key challenge facing us today is to successfully transmit into daily and everyday lifestyle the principle of truth and honesty. - Sunday Adelaja
Though one should be prepared to vomit rather frequently and disport with pink elephants and assorted grotesqueries while trying often unsuccessfully to make one's way to the toilet.
When truth and honesty is successfully intertwined into the business world of a nation, the result is a boost in commerce. - Sunday Adelaja
I'm happy for all who reached for the stars happily and successfully. - Ana Monnar
If you have not seen the real end of the journey, don’t boast much at the beginning and never be too proud and haughty in mid of the path. Keep the real end in mind and mind how to get to the real end successfully! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The moon is considered a relatively easy object to land humans on, everything else is much harder by orders of magnitude. It is the reason why we have not been to Mars and will likely never go there successfully with humans. - Steven Magee
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