Quotation Explorer - 'Desired'

If ever any beauty I did see,Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee. - John Donne
Dreams create desired things. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Destiny to some people is a preconceived notion as a design of blind faith, while in fact destiny is a constitution of endowed efforts in an attempt to steer toward a desired outcome. Create your destiny and reach for your dreams, you only live once. - Husam Wafaei
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who want to be desired, and people who want to be desired so much that they pretend they don't. - Rabih Alameddine
Entrepreneur, the development of your daily discipline will determine then deliver your desired distinction. - Onyi Anyado
Trust, no amount of efforts in terms of a hard work will ever work to produce the desired results unless and until it is coupled with a good luck. - Anuj Somany
You create the possibility of reaching your desired destinations if you have the courage to begin your journey. - Debasish Mridha
Do not blame your parents for not working hard enough to birth you with silver spoon in your mouth because tomorrow you will be a parent and your children will in turn blame you for not giving birth to them with the desired silver spoon. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years. - Bertrand Russell
Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - Robert Frost
If you keep taking an approach that continues to lead you over and over again to the same result, you just have to take a total new different approach to get to your desired result. - Abdulazeez Henry Musa
There once were four sistersWho were exceptionally ordinary,But desired more than a maiden should desireRavaged by their shameful wantsTheir loving hearts never bloomedInstead four wicked bramblesGrew in their placeEach taintedWith poisonous magic - Elissa Sussman
From this point of view, science - the real game in town - is rhetoric, a series of efforts to persuade relevant social actors that one's manufactured knowledge is a route to a desired form of very objective power. - Donna J. Haraway
Circumvent negative situations, people or anything that will impede progress. These things are toxic to personal achievement; desired end-points are driven by positive attitude and persistence. - Eric Zaccone
Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end-result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view.
There is a language in the world that everyone understands. The language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.
Racists are everywhere, but historically speaking the real danger came from Progressives that desired the power of the state to engineer society upon a racial lines. - A.E. Samaan
If it takes lots of patience,sacrifice and devotion to achieve the thing you've desired, for sure you have set your targets high and you're going through immense pain to reach there.Just don't quit. - Himmilicious
That’s the dream of sex, isn’t it? That you will be liberated from the prison of the body by the body itself, at long last desired, its strange tongue understood. - Olivia Laing
An adamant silence overcomes you when cross paths with the person that kisses your heart the second that you meet them. It balances on the edge of an indefinable unknown, unconsciously desired. - Carl Henegan
You should have a kind heart because you are not just a so and so person,you are also an identity who is part of the almighty god,who above all likes kindness because,he is the bestower of all desired attributes but is benevolently looking for kindness from his creation - Jaspreet Kaur
Nothing ever happens to me, " she reflected..... An older person at such an hour and in such a place might think that sufficient was happening to him, and rest content. Lucy desired more. - E.M. Forster
Hell must be isothermal; for otherwise the resident engineers and physical chemists (of which there must be some) could set up a heat engine to run a refrigerator to cool off a portion of their surroundings to any desired temperature.
When your EFFORT results in the DESIRED EFFECT, then you have WORKED - Fela Durotoye
To be desired is perhaps the closest anybody in this life can reach to feeling immortal. - John Berger
The longing for a man, as you know, is a grand escape. It can arch your mental process to extremes so that, like a gymnast or a ballerina, you’re contorted to such outrageous limits I’m speaking of passion that nothing else matters. I wanted this. I desired diversion. - Vicki Covington
An exceptional woman with all the desired qualities exists only in a man's imagination. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In the end one loves one's desire and not what is desired. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - Robert Frost
If there are no barriers to cross or demons to slay to reach the desired destination, we will not call it a success. - Debasish Mridha
Creative power, is that receptive attitude of expectancy which makes a mold into which the plastic and as yet undifferentiated substance can flow and take the desired form.
The true meaning of life lies in learning. When you learn, you understand the things better, when you understand the things better, it reflects in your actions, and when your actions are right, according to the process of life, you are bound to receive the desired result. - Roshan Sharma
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas [and] the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
We were the creatures desired throughout the ages... foolish humans didn't even realize it, living in their own little world. - Kay Harding
Success is personal ownership of the dream, and responsibility for its desired outcome. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
It is a convenient truth: You go into the humanities to pursue your intellectual passion; and it just so happens, as a by-product, that you emerge as a desired commodity for industry. - Damon Horowitz
You can find Calcutta anywhere in the world. You only need two eyes to see. Everywhere in the world there are people that are not loved, people that are not wanted nor desired, people that no one will help, people that are pushed away or forgotten. And this is the greatest poverty. - Mother Teresa
Love is an irresistable desire to be irresistably desired. - Robert Frost
Hope is a pillar of faith. It is pillar which holds our desired dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Take a daily action towards the achievement of your desired goals. - Lailah Gifty Akita
They think that if they were allowed to do anything they desired, they would be satisfied and the more desires the better. But all desires divorced from The Desire eventually collapse in on themselves. - Geoffrey Wood
Yes. This. It was just what she needed, because here, held by him like this, her guilt, her regret, her fears . . . all of it gave way to this heady, languid sensation of being desired and she didn’t want it to stop.Any of it. - Jill Shalvis
A physical attraction is often desired above many things but you'll discover it to be short lived. Find yourself someone that gets under your skin, seduces the dusty corners of your heart, and provides you with a mental connection. That is when you'll know true intimacy. - M.J. Abraham
If there are no barriers to cross or demons to slay in the journey to reach your desired destination, how can you call it a success? - Debasish Mridha
Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. You can achieve you desired dreams. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I Might never find that love my heart has always desired, but I know I will succeed before I die. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
In you is a formidable force that can bring the desired change you want in the world. Stop waiting for the perfect time, go to work now! - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
The only thing I’ve loved is nothing at all. The only thing I’ve desired is what I couldn’t even imagine. All I asked of life is that it go on by without my feeling it. All I demanded of love is that it never stop being a distant dream. - Fernando Pessoa
His mother had often said, When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. She had emphasized the corollary of this axiom even more vehemently: when you desired a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it. - Lois McMaster Bujold
The freedom now desired by many is not freedom to do and dare but freedom from care and worry. - James Truslow Adams
An event in which you did not achieve your desired outcome (definition of failure). - Steven K. Scott
If everyone realized this truth about their own inherent power to create and to attract whatever they desired, not everyone would want to be the president of a country, not everyone would want to live on that mansion on the hill, and not everyone would want the same things you would. - Stephen Richards
The positive emotions that arise in...unpromising circumstances demonstrate that social ties and meaningful work are deeply desired, readily improvised, and intensely rewarding. The very structure of our economy and society prevent these goals from being achieved. - Rebecca Solnit
One should be known for a kind heart,because you are not just a so and so person,you are an identity who is part of the almighty god,who above all likes kindness,because he is the bestower of all desired attributes,but is benevolently looking for kindness from his creations - Jaspreet Kaur
The atmosphere sets the tone for what is to take place in that space at that time. Your attitude impacts the atmosphere. How is your current attitude affecting the atmosphere and your desired outcome? - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Genetic engineering was messy. To force a sequence of foreign DNA into a plant, you couldn’t just snip the desired gene from the bacteria and sew it on to the plant’s DNA sequence like an old woman working on a quilt. - Kenneth Eade
If achieving a desired goal was easy why would anyone bother. There'd be no fun. - Veronica Purcell
Harnessing the unique sex energy that can only arise through sexual expression can awaken multidimensional awareness and provide you with your desired goal. - Stephen Richards
He felt a kind of bridal expectation, sweet and sensuous yet vaguely mingled with anticipatory fear of its own fulfilment, with the mysterious shiver felt when something endlessly desired suddenly comes physically close to the astonished heart. - Stefan Zweig
Every lake belongs to the quietness desired by the swans. - Munia Khan
We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art. - Lana Del Rey
They weren't people that liked change. They were the kind of people that would have tied change to a chair with dental floss if they could in order to avoid it. They were the type of people who desired to live in their virtual bubbles and grew to resent anyone that challenged that world. - Anna M. Aquino
Because we have loved profoundly,Because we have given much, Because we have hoped passionately,Because we have desired intensely, We allow ourselves to be infinitely hurt. - Jess
Desire is to ask for something in silence, without really wanting it, for having it wouldn't fill you as much as having desired it. - Isabella Trainini
It felt good to be the one holding the blade; the role reversal gave him a much desired feeling of control. - S.R. Ford
MARTYR, n. One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death. - Ambrose Bierce
All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. - Martin Luther
Life cannot deny you of what you desired when you are committed to your dreams - Lailah Gifty Akita
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