This is the devilish thing about foreign affairs: they are foreign and will not always conform to our whim. - James Reston
[He] looks at foreign affairs through the wrong end of a municipal drainpipe. - Sir Winston Churchill
He was trying to find his footing in a world both familiar and foreign - H.W. Brands
Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates. - Fierce Dolan
I was a normal person, living in a rough area with a foreign mother, I endured it and came out of the other side to help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to change their lives just like I had mine. - Stephen Richards
Foreign places yield more to one who is himself worth meeting. - Beowulf
Trust remains the coin of the realm in politics. A President who is trusted, by the people, by the congress, by the press, by foreign countries, is a President who can get a lot of good things done. - David Gergen
Are you in the habit of taking tea with anyone who approaches you in a foreign port? He went on and snorted carelessly. No wonder you were abducted so easily. - V.S. Carnes
When he is dissected after his death," a disrespectful interpreter said of a foreign dignitary, "a million predicates will be found in his stomach: those he swallowed in the past decades without saying them. - Kató Lomb
Speculations and loans in foreign fields are likely to bring us into war... The war-for-profit group has counterfeited patriotism.
When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them then he is always stirring up some wary or other in order that the people may require a leader. - Plato
The heart is a foreign country whose language none of us is good at. - Jack Gilbert
My heart's scripture tastes foreign in the mouths of cowards and on the tongues of those who have never breathed inthe moon and breathed out the world. - D. Antoinette Foy
Justice suffers when men refuse to stand firm for what is right. If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails. If we don’t establish the truth in our nations, truth becomes foreign in the country. God says there is no man when there is nobody who stands for the truth. - Sunday Adelaja
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. - John F. Kennedy
The means of defence agst. foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. - James Madison
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening, foreign entity, it ignores the fact that in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
If the U.S. foreign policy results in massive death and destruction abroad, they cannot feign innocence when some of that destruction is returned. On 9/11/2001, Americans noticed that payback can be a real motherfucker. - Ward Churchill
MINISTER, n. An agent of a higher power with a lower responsibility. In diplomacy and officer sent into a foreign country as the visible embodiment of his sovereign's hostility. His principal qualification is a degree of plausible inveracity next below that of an ambassador. - Ambrose Bierce
I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents. - George Wallace
The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. - George Washington
... if one hasn't been through, as our people mercifully did not go through, the horrors of an occupation by a foreign power, you have no right to pronounce upon what a country does, which has been through all that. - Anthony Eden
Sex does not thrive on monotony. Without feeling, inventions, moods,no surprises in bed. Sex must be mixed with tears, laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all the spices of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing, opium, wine. - Anaïs Nin
No foreign policy-no matter how ingenious-has any chance of success if it is born in the minds of few and carried in the hearts of many. - Theodore Roosevelt
I know you don't think that any tongue I speak is mine; it must be rented. I am always denial, or pretense. A child born mid-flight has no nation. I can pull on either culture, but they always melt like a dream, trickle away, water on the oiled pelt of foreign. - Jasmine Ann Cooray
When our government is spoken of as some menacing, threatening foreign entity, it ignores the fact that, in our democracy, government is us. - Barack Obama
Genetic engineering was messy. To force a sequence of foreign DNA into a plant, you couldn’t just snip the desired gene from the bacteria and sew it on to the plant’s DNA sequence like an old woman working on a quilt. - Kenneth Eade
The foreign policy aim of ants can be summed up as follows: restless aggression, territorial conquest, and genocidal annihilation of neighboring colonies whenever possible. If ants had nuclear weapons, they would probably end the world in a week. - Bert Hölldobler, Edward Wilson
I'm convinced there's a small room in the attic of the Foreign Office where future diplomats are taught to stammer. - Peter Ustinov
Foreign to knowledge, mystery to senses, alien to emotion: LOVE. - Gabriella Jording
When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable. - Clifton Fadiman
Trying something new is like daring to speak a foreign language, you bite your tongue at first, memorize and thereafter sing it as if you were pretending to be unacquainted. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Words tend to bounce off nature as they try to deliver nature's language into the hands of another language foreign to it. - Theodor Adorno
People often ask me where I stand politically. It's not that I disagree with Bush's economic policy or his foreign policy, it's that I believe he was a child of Satan sent here to destroy the planet Earth. Little to the left. - Bill Hicks
Al Qaeda's central political objective is the creation of an Islamic republic, not the progressive realignment of American foreign policy. - Simon Cottee
All that they lacked was the gift that descended upon the chosen disciples at Pentecost, in tongues of flame; symbolizing, it would seem, not the power of speech in foreign and unknown languages, but that of addressing the whole human brotherhood in the heart's native language. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Mideast Christians have few allies in American politics: they are too foreign for the Right and too Christian for the Left. - Mark Movsesian
Facing a language you don't know is like returning to your infancy when your mother tongue used to be a foreign language to you - Munia Khan
We attacked a foreign people and treated them like rebels. As you know, it's all right to treat barbarians barbarically. It's the desire to be barbaric that makes governments call their enemies barbarians. - Bertolt Brecht
The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. - Henry Kissinger
If you have sacrificed my nation to preserve the peace of the world, I will be the first to applaud you. But if not, gentlemen, God help your souls." Czechoslovakian foreign minister to Lord Halifax as reaction to announcement of allies' betrayal in 1938. - Jan Masaryk
I went searching in a foreign land and found my way home. - Sue Bender
Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue. - Virginia Woolf
In its foreign policies, the United States does not punish atrocities, only disobedience. - Noam Chomsky
We are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known - Carson McCullers
A moral foreign policy means your positions on certain matters are clear no matter what, and that you won't forget about them when it's convenient. - Garry Kasparov
In inventing [General Juan Manuel de] Rosas’ self-justification, I have taken the liberty of drawing almost exclusively on the words of Tony Blair, and the various self-justifications he produced to defend his foreign policy adventures with George Bush in the Middle East and the Central Asia. - Harry Thompson
The walls were lined with books, many of them in foreign languages, like insulation against the immediate present. - Ross Macdonald
War is the worst way of gathering knowledge about a foreign culture. - Stanisław Lem
Here is my first principle of foreign policy: good government at home. - William Ewart Gladstone
How could a state be governed, or protected in its foreign relations if every individual remained free to obey or not to obey the law according to his private opinion. - Thomas Hobbes
No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders. - Samuel Adams
Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it. - Christopher Morley
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
American foreign policy must be more than the management of crisis. It must have a great and guiding goal: to turn this time of American influence into generations of democratic peace. - George W. Bush
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
...But today it is the United States that lives in infamy, as its government adopts the foreign policies of Imperial Japan.
There's the one thing no nation can ever accuse us of and that is secret diplomacy. Our foreign are an open book, generally a check book. - Will Rogers
Foreign lands never yield their secrets to a traveller. The best they offer are tantalising snippets, just enough to inflame the imagination. The secrets they do reveal are your own - the ones you have kept from yourself. And this is reason enough to travel, to leave home. - Graeme Sparkes
We shall convince France and the world, that we are not a degraded people, humiliated under a colonial spirit of fear and a sense of inferiority, fitted to be the miserable instruments of foreign influence, and regardless of national honor, character, and interest. - John Adams
Imagination just wasn't up to the task of understanding unique and foreign sensations. It knew only how to dampen or augment what it already knew. - Juliette, Pg. 139 - Hugh Howey
When people encounter the free market and they recoil or react negatively to it, they're merely confessing that voluntaryism, trade and negotiation are foreign and threatening to them, which tells you everything about how tragically they were raised. - Stefan Molyneux
it is easier to induce national governments to discriminate against foreign producers than to defend the interests of domestic consumers - George W. Stocking
I cannot bring myself to judge those who are defending their lands against an immoral violent foreign invader. The fact that the immoral violent foreign invader happens to be the U.S. government does not alter my view. - Dave Champion
When we are in a foreign country we live with a fervor rooting from knowing that our days there are numbered, yet if the number of days in lives is numbered, are we not to live our everyday lives with that same zeal? - Forrest Curran