Quotation Explorer - 'Aggression'

History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap. - Ronald Reagan
A society that presumes a norm of violence and celebrates aggression, whether in the subway, on the football field, or in the conduct of its business, cannot help making celebrities of the people who would destroy it. - Lewis H. Lapham
The greater the gap between self perception and reality, the more aggression is unleashed on those who point out the discrepancy. - Stefan Molyneux
Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly free state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot. - Tiffany Madison
Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person. - Asa Don Brown
The purge is made to release the aggression, anger, rage everything just in on place. - Deyth Banger
I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual. - Murray N. Rothbard
[The U.S. victory in Gulf war was] a stirring victory for the forces of aggression. - Dan Quayle
The foreign policy aim of ants can be summed up as follows: restless aggression, territorial conquest, and genocidal annihilation of neighboring colonies whenever possible. If ants had nuclear weapons, they would probably end the world in a week. - Bert Hölldobler, Edward Wilson
We are revolutionaries for peace and freedom not violence. And we are going to fight through creativity rather than aggression. - Nurudeen Ushawu
If you want to understand the causes of aggression, study police officers - Steven Magee
Violence is the tool of the barbarian; aggression is the method of the primitive; bloodshed is the way of the savage; cruelty is the manner of the brutish! To be called as a ‘civilised,’ man must be peaceable! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Baseless victimhood is usually the last stage before outright aggression. - Stefan Molyneux
[These]were the legitimate acts of self-defense which had been forced upon the Irish people by English aggression... We did not initiate the war, nor were we allowed to choose the battleground. - Michael Collins
Get over your aggression, as Trees are also part of nature, when you don't cut their branches, people start cutting the whole trees. - Daniyal Umar
The entire Nazi war machine was only possible because of past, present and future violations of the non aggression principle (achievable only through government). - Stefan Molyneux
To create a free society is not to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all people to abandon aggression, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that aggression is ever legitimate. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
Police Officer Angry Aggression Theory (POAAT) is why you need to video record the police before they shoot you. Always start the video camera at the first contact, as it can go sour at any time and without warning. - Steven Magee
My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as purpose. - Bette Davis
I believe that this war, upon which I entered as a war of defense and liberation, has now become a war of aggression and conquest. - Siegfried Sassoon
Aggression unchallenged is aggression unleashed. - Phaedrus
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