Life is complex in its expression, involving more than percipience, namely desire, emotion, will, and feeling. - Alfred North Whitehead
A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. - Richard Branson
As a USENET discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
What happens if a big asteroid hits Earth ? Judging from realistic simulations involving a sledge hammer and a common laboratory frog, we can assume it will be pretty bad. - Dave Barry
People who concern themselves with the rights of other adults who engage in consensual acts involving sex, love, and/or eating croissants together are damaged and in pain. - Rob Delaney
I know many people who believe in God, and I expected to find Him on my way to the South Pole if he exists. My religious experiences were very different however, [only] involving myself, nature and the universe. - Liv Arnesen
Counsel involving right and wrong should never be sought from a man who does not say his prayers. - Fulton J. Sheen
Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person. - Asa Don Brown
We are a society of excuses, shame and blame; we avoid accountability and often project our responsibility when involving domestic violence. - Asa Don Brown
Gravity is a contributing factor in nearly 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects. - Dave Barry