Quotation Explorer - 'Domestic'

I hate the word housewife; I don't like the word home-maker either. I want to be called Domestic Goddess. - Roseanne Barr
Domestic violence is frequently excused when alcohol and other substances are involved. - Asa Don Brown
I oppose same-sex marriage and civil unions but I support domestic partnership between gay and lesbian couples. I have no problem with gay and lesbian couples adopting. I support equal benefits for same-sex couples such as hospital visitation rights - Mitt Romney
Chastity is a monkish and evangelical superstition, a greater foe to natural temperance even than unintellectual sensuality; it strikes at the root of all domestic happiness, and consigns more than half of the human race to misery.
...Domestic violence occurs at all socioeconomic levels. - Asa Don Brown
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny. - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Society has seldom considered the vicarious effects of domestic violence between partners on the lives of children. - Asa Don Brown
Insofar as men gain time, ease, independence, or liberty from women's domestic labors, they lack incentive to change. - Linda P. Rouse
it is easier to induce national governments to discriminate against foreign producers than to defend the interests of domestic consumers - George W. Stocking
Domestic violence is any behavior involving physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or verbal abuse. It is any form of aggression intended to hurt, damage, or kill an intimate person. - Asa Don Brown
It is seldom that domestic violence is an isolated episode; rather it is comprised of a number of episodes over an extended period of time. - Asa Don Brown
Domestic violence rarely affects only those directly involved in the abusive relationship. - Asa Don Brown
Milk is very nice, especially with a drop of brandy in it, but the domestic cow is only too glad to be rid of it. A swollen udder is very uncomfortable - W. Somerset Maugham
Students of the heavens are separable into astronomers and astrologers as readily as are the minor domestic ruminants into sheep and goats, but the separation of philosophers into sages and cranks seems to be more sensitive to frames of reference. - Willard Van Orman Quine
...there were certain chapters when I stopped writing, saw the domestic situation I was in and thought, "I don't want to face this world, let's get back to the hellish one I'm imagining. - Alasdair Gray
You can be freak of the week, critical thinker & a domestic goddess all in one. There is a beauty in your layers, never dumb yourself down. - Ella December
Truth might be heroic, but it was not within the range of practical domestic politics. - Samuel Butler
CAT, n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle. This is a dog, This is a cat. This is a frog, This is a rat. Run, dog, mew, cat. Jump, frog, gnaw, rat. Elevenson - Ambrose Bierce
Domestic abusers and the abused need to develop healthy support systems... - Asa Don Brown
The greatest act of domestic terrorism in the history of the USA is currently in process and the culprits are the energy, electrical, electronics and wireless radiation industries. - Steven Magee
In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free. Torn From the Inside Out - Sara Niles
The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things. - Jilly Cooper
We also want to leave our own area behind, our domestic world so well regulated day to day; we are drawn by the desire no longer to be at home and therefore no longer to be ourselves. We want to interrupt a life where we merely exist, in order to live more. - Stefan Zweig
We could talk about the retraction of re-productive rights in North Carolina and Texas and Ohio, or we could conjure up a lot of statistics about domestic and sexual violence or women living in poverty. If the patriarchy is dead, the numbers have not gotten the memo. - Roxanne Gay
Because what could be more Casablanca? Suddenly Harlow saw that what she’d always wanted was a man of principle. A man of action. A domestic terrorist. Every girl’s dream, if she can’t have a vampire. (Chapter four pg 202) - Karen Joy Fowler
Of the animals I saw, I could write volumes. All were wild; for the Great Race's mechanised culture had long since done away with domestic beasts, while food was wholly vegetable or synthetic. - H.P. Lovecraft
We are a society of excuses, shame and blame; we avoid accountability and often project our responsibility when involving domestic violence. - Asa Don Brown
I think women dwell quite a bit on the duress under which they work, on how hard it is just to do it at all. We are traditionally rather proud of ourselves for having slipped creative work in there between the domestic chores and obligations. I'm not sure we deserve such big A-pluses for all that. - Toni Morrison
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