Quotation Explorer - 'Consumers'

Computers are one of the products in the USA that appear to be unregulated by the government which leaves consumers unprotected from flawed devices. - Steven Magee
Consumers today have become a cynical mob of buyers who believe the reviews and ratings of complete strangers much more readily than your brand's promises and distinctions. - David Brier
To an extent, we get the big businesses we deserve. No conversation about the role of business in society is complete without considering the role of the public. Ultimately it is the public as consumers, as citizens who create the environment in which business operates. - Jon Miller
On romance books: We might assume then that men, major consumers of thrillers, westerns, and detective fiction, enjoy being beaten up, tortured, shot, stabbed dragged by galloping horses, and thrown out of moving vehicles. - Daphne Clair
If any of the socialist chiefs had tried to earn his living by selling hot dogs, he would have learned something about the sovereignty of the consumers. - Ludwig von Mises
Markets cannot meet the needs of the very poor. The desperately poor are not consumers who will create an immediate profit. - Jeffrey D. Sachs
1. Do consumers recognize that they have the problem you are trying to solve?2. If there was a solution, would they buy it?3. Would they buy it from us?4. Can we build a solution for that problem? - Ries Eric
While games are fun to play, children should grow up not just being the consumers of technology but also the creators of technology. - Newton Lee
Anyone with a great product to sell should never criticize competing products. Your product should sell on its own merit. Consumers want the best of the best, not the best of a bad situation. - Zack W. Van
I think we're moving toward a world where all the consumers under a certain age will probably tend to identify more with their consumer status or with the products they consume then they would with ... any sort of antiquated notion of nationality. - Gibson, William
It is the consumers who make poor people rich and rich people poor. - Ludwig von Mises
In the newspapers the row about the prospect of genetically modified food raged on, and yet here were consumers effectively demanding lambs with four back legs. - Rose Prince
Consumers are what’s going to change the world, not necessarily industries or governments, - Horace Luke
the government tends to act like a corporation treating the public as its consumers rather than its citizens - Fairclough Norman
Worth is not something you can buy for $39.99, nor something you can lose with 10 extra pounds. Self-judging people make good consumers. Start a revolution. Love yourself. - Vironika Tugaleva
American consumers benefit from disparity & exploitation. I benefit from disparity & exploitation & so does my family. there is no way to be a consumer in this country without causing pain" --casey gray - author of Discount - & my New HERO - Casey Gray
Consumers presented with six choices on an item were twice as likely to buy as consumers overwhelmed with 24 varieties of the same item. - Sheena Iyengar
it is easier to induce national governments to discriminate against foreign producers than to defend the interests of domestic consumers - George W. Stocking
Most women's magazines simply try to mold women into bigger and better consumers. - Gloria Steinem
As universities have turned into businesses, so students have turned into consumers. - Kenan Malik
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