Quotation Explorer - 'Galloping'

On romance books: We might assume then that men, major consumers of thrillers, westerns, and detective fiction, enjoy being beaten up, tortured, shot, stabbed dragged by galloping horses, and thrown out of moving vehicles. - Daphne Clair
I am alone on this road strewn with bones and bordered by ruins! Angels have their brothers, and demons have their infernal companions. Yet I have but the sound of my scythe when it harvests, my whistling arrows, my galloping horse. Always the sound of the same wave eating away at the world - Gustave Flaubert
The English country gentleman galloping after a fox -- the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. - Oscar Wilde
The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. - Oscar Wilde
The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot. - André Breton
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