Quotation Explorer - 'Creators'

We are not creators; only combiners of the created. Invention isn't about new ingredients, but new recipes. And innovations taste the best. - Ryan Lilly
All souls can earn IMMORTALITY.The Creators have IMMORTALITY.The Creators are the' ONLY' ONES'To award IMMORTALITY...FROM MY BOOK: War between Souls over First Universe Justice Awaits - Tiffany Thompson
Ideas and their creators run the world…one’s place in the world is due partially to the ideas that a culture has forced on one and/or the ideas that a person freely accepts and uses. - Haki R. Madhubuti
Belief in a false reality about another person first manifests in the creators mind by making everything look like proof, then manifests in other people to become reality. Unless noticed. - L.H.
Writers are not just writers, they are creators of worlds, sculptors of the mind, they are architects of language. - Jamie L. Harding
We who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface hidden tension that is already alive - Martin Luther King Jr.
Truth cannot be constructed. To live in ideology is, as Havel so eloquently reminds us, inevitably to live in a lie. Truth can only be revealed. We cannot be creators, only receptors. - James W. Sire
In reading we must become creators. - Madeleine L'Engle
We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance. - Benjamin Disraeli
In time, all great masterpieces turn into shameless creatures who laugh at their creators. - Erol Ozan
Hopes are the creators of life. Always keep hope alive - Debasish Mridha
While games are fun to play, children should grow up not just being the consumers of technology but also the creators of technology. - Newton Lee
I mean your borrowers of books - those mutilators of collections, spoilers of the symmetry of shelves, and creators of odd volumes. - Charles Lamb
The artists are the most powerful ones, the creators, first are the painters, working without words, second are the music composers, and third are the writers. - Robert Black
Even gods are following trends. They are afraid to be forgotten by their creators - Bangambiki Habyarimana
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