Quotation Explorer - 'Gravity'

Gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off. - Terry Pratchett
Physics is the science of all the tremendously powerful invisibilities - of magnetism, electricity, gravity, light, sound, cosmic rays. Physics is the science of the mysteries of the universe. How could anyone think it dull?
You cannot reach space without overcoming the attraction of gravity. - Debasish Mridha
When asked about which scientist he'd like to meet, said, "Isaac Newton. No question about it. The smartest person ever to walk the face of this earth. The man was connected to the universe in spooky ways. He discovered the laws of motion, the laws of gravity, the laws of optics. Then he turned 26. - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sex, once a law as undisputed as gravity, has been disproved. The equation is erased, the blackboard broken - Isaac Marion
Gravity always wins - Michael Hirsch
love is what moves the world, I've always thought...it is the only thing which allows men and women to stand in a world where gravity always seems to want to pull them down...bring them low...and make them crawl... - Stephen King
Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. - Isaac Newton
The laws of gravity work everywhere except in the heart and the soul. - Matshona Dhliwayo
At the root of everything lay the passionatedesire of thinking people to find a simple, unifying norm for society like the law of gravity that Newton had found for nature. - James H. Billington
The Church no more gave us the New Testament canon than Isaac Newton gave us the force of gravity. - J.I. Packer
Story should be a descent -- the feeling that there is an intense gravity to the narrative that draws you down, down, down. - Chuck Wendig
Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don't even notice it. - Sakyong Mipham
Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit. - Aristotle
Leaving North Korea is not like leaving any other country. It is more like leaving another universe. I will never truly be free of its gravity, no matter how far I journey. - Hyeonseo Lee
Gravity proves that the whole universe is filled with Love. - Ankala V Subbarao
Music eliminates my gravity. When I'm singing, I'm a ravenous pterodactyl. I'm alive and free and hungry, and I know who I am. But the flood is coming; it's weighing me down, making me prisoner to my loneliness and pain.-character Joanna (Broken) - J. Matthew Nespoli
Gravity hurts - Viktor Alexandrov
My body lies within the strings and myths of reality with a purpose of evolution and adapted by gravity but for my conscious's matrix is without any doubt has adapted to other's consciousness and that is how we all adapt to survival. - Ahmed Aziz Ahmed
Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The concept of Free Will makes no sense unless associated, somehow or the other, with Absolute Determinism; it is just as a man cannot walk without gravity arresting and spurring his pace simultaneously. - Raheel Farooq
The laws of gravity cannot be held responcible for people falling in love. - Albert Einstein
To be able to practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue...[They are] gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. - Confucius
Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a different way to stand. - Oprah Winfrey
As time and space are bent by gravity, so too is truth bent by power. - James Rozoff
Magic is the fifth fundamental force and is even more mysterious than gravity, which is really saying something. - Jasper Fforde
It is the saying of an ancient sage that humor was the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor.
There is no gravity. The earth sucks. - Graffito
It happens fast for some people and slow for some, accidents or gravity, but we all end up mutilated. - Chuck Palahniuk
You cannot reach the pinnacle of success without overcoming the fear of failure just like you can’t reach space without overcoming the attraction of gravity. - Debasish Mridha
Lying is not a sin, since there has never been a law-maker or philosopher who could determine what truth is. I lie for the fun of it. I lie for the fear of the gravity of life. I lie out of boredom. How can anyone who has more fantasy than the Catholic evening paper get by without lying? - Iwan Goll
The Earth loves us through its gravity and this love is ideal: It neither sticks to us nor let us to fly to the unknown darkness! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. - Wernher Von Braun
It [the rocket] will free man from his remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet. It will open to him the gates of heaven. - Wernher von Braun
Your brain is an accelerating gravity free zone. While Intelligence leverages it, Intellectuality erodes it! - Vishwanath S J
Love is like gravity. You can't see it, touch it, or even feel it, but it surrounds you all the time. If love is not there you may not survive a day or a month. - Debasish Mridha
Gravity. It keeps you rooted to the ground. In space, there's not any gravity. You just kind of leave your feet and go floating around. Is that what being in love is like? - Josh Brand and John Falsey
They often say, What’s the point in astrology if you can’t change yourdestiny?. Well, it’s true that you can’t change your destiny, but still it helpsknowing about gravity. - Kedar Joshi
To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness. - Confucius
If you blame gravity for falling in love, even God has the right to laugh at you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
You can study gravity forever without learning how to fly. - Shawn Achor
Gravity is no match against one who is determined to reach the stars. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Gravity is a contributing factor in nearly 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects. - Dave Barry
Your words like wings gravity they defy.My heart like a leaf on the wind catchin' rides.We make too much sense to foolishly pass it by.So I'm taking a rainbow up to the 5th floor.Steppin' out to see that you're really worth more. - Group 1 Crew
Dream large and make yaour dreams defy the laws of gravity. Soar high and show your inner strength - Lee Pryke
The most profound joy has more of gravity than of gaiety in it. - Michel de Montaigne
Elizabeth called it my mane of hair; I called it my bane of hair. However, it was far worse looking when it was short, sticking straight up or out at awkward angles; at least when it was long it almost obeyed gravity. - Penny Reid
Acquiring of wisdom is a function of inquisitiveness for information and keenness for learning. Plenty of resource and the gravity of flow will ensure a momentum good enough for learning. - Priyavrat Thareja
It does not matter how strong your gravity is, we were always meant to fly. - Sarah Kay
All the great feelings like goodness, love or compassion eliminate the gravity and thus the wingless man rises like a bird. - Mehmet Murat ildan
The wise determine from the gravity of the case; the irritable, from sensibility to oppression; the high minded, from disdain and indignation at abusive power in unworthy hands. - Edmund Burke
Unlike humanity, my mind isn't so frail as to simply climb under gravity and submit to God. - Lionel Suggs
Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don't fight them. Just find a new way to stand. - Oprah Winfrey
and angle of vision, dust, gravity, solitude, and the part of the law which is the world's waitingand the part of the law which is my waiting,and the part which is my impatience—now; now?—though there are, there really arethings in the world, you must believe me. - Jorie Graham
Walking in shoes bigger than your feet, will inspire gravity to pull you down." Let's be grateful for what fits us...for what we have. - Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
Balance is only meaningful when we choose Love as the center of gravity! - Phil 'Philosofree' Cheney
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