Quotation Explorer - 'Erased'

Hatred will never be erased! The only thing you can do... is erase the ones you hate. - Hakuryuu - Shinobu Ohtaka
The only things that erased my lonliness were written works - Novala Takemoto
The written word can be erased - not so with the spoken word.
One's past can't be erased, it can only be learned from, the child taught her. - H. L. Balcomb
Sex, once a law as undisputed as gravity, has been disproved. The equation is erased, the blackboard broken - Isaac Marion
The past, has been erased; the present, forgiven; and the future, redeemed. - Anthony Liccione
The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted. - Auliq Ice
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. - Oscar Levant
History will be erased in the universal purgatory. - Dejan Stojanovic
EMANCIPATION, n. A bondman's change from the tyranny of another to the despotism of himself. He was a slave: at word he went and came; His iron collar cut him to the bone. Then Liberty erased his owner's name, Tightened the rivets and inscribed his own. G.J. - Ambrose Bierce
The descent to barbarism had begun with Rotterdam. It ended with Dresden and then with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Whatever moral differences had existed when the war began were erased by its end. The victors had been morally conquered by the enemy. - David McReynolds
The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the Hand of Divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power. - Alexander Hamilton
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