Quotation Explorer - 'Existed'

So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed? - Hunter S. Thompson
let this be our beautiful departure from stagnation; let our minds come alive; enter another dimension; go beyond the stars eagerly struggling to find that... which our naked eyes did not know existed; rise like a falcon born to soar and not be alone but be present amongst others. - Muhammad Iqbal
There will come a time, when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything.
Everything existed at God’s command. - Lailah Gifty Akita
and those who were seen smiling without any reason were thought to be insane by those who could not feel the love that existed in the air! - Anamika Mishra
At the bottom of the mountain you have your scoffers and doubters, by midpoint you have your envious and haters, and when you reach to the top you have new friends and family you never met or thought existed. - Anthony Liccione
There are no wise few. Every aristocracy that has ever existed has behaved, in all essential points, exactly like a small mob. - G. K. Chesterton
there is something magical and addicting about going somewhere, being alone, and finding yourself in parts of the world you never knew existed, finding parts of yourself you never knew you would find. - Ava
If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him. - Mikhail Bakunin
The growth of my love story had been gradual but my success had always existed and both coupled together formed a deadly combination that was detrimental to our love. I wanted people to love me. She wanted them to leave her alone. - Faraaz Kazi
Adventures kept hidden, words kept silent. You became my greatest secret. And when you left, no one knew the source of the pain I felt. No one knew you existed, except my writhing heart. - Hubert Martin
The artist must manage to make posterity believe that he never existed. - Gustave Flaubert
Belief in God meant belief in the old tribal idol called Jehovah; and I would not pretend I did not know whether it existed or not. - George Bernard Shaw
The chandelier's teardrop crystals twinkled above them like stars. It was easy to imagine that they were miles away from London, and that only the two of them existed. - Anna Bennett
feelings existed in only one form: magnified. - Kimberly McCreight
The market is not an invention of capitalism. It has existed for centuries. It is an invention of civilization.
No true individual has existed yet, able to live, able to die. Only diseased, tragic, or dismal and ludicrous fools who sometimes hoped to achieve some ideal by fiat, by their great desire for it. But usually by bullying all mankind into believing them. - Saul Bellow, Herzog
Of the many species that have existed on earth--estimates run as high as fifty billion--more than ninety-nine per cent have disappeared. In the light of this, it is sometimes joked that all of life today amounts to little more than a rounding error.more than a rounding error. - Elizabeth Kolbert
Sometimes I accidentally walk into the places where I and you had spoken before, existed before, which still have the smell ofyour memories, all of a sudden it starts feeling like I have entered a dark room without a door anywhere. Where I can always hear that song I used to love once before. - Akshay Vasu
The Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah...and died to give his work its final consecration never existed. ["Modern Christian Thought: The twentieth century, Volume 2" by James C. Livingston, Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, p.13] - Albert Schweitzer
When you play music you discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed. - Bill Evans
If life worked on auto mode then there manual mode for photography would have never existed. - Deeksha Mittal
The magic of life hides in the dusty corners of chaos and you must sweep out the cobwebs of confusion before you reach the calm & euphorically moments; your soul believed, existed all along. - Nikki Rowe
People are all diamonds. They are already valuable, brillant and unique in their own right. Sometimes a person can do with a buff, a fluff and a polish to bring out the natural brillance and clarity that has always existed within them. - Evette Rose
The example of Jesus Christ is the only perfect example that ever existed in human nature. It is therefore, a rule by which to try all other examples; and the dispositions, frames and practices of others, must be commended and followed no further than they were followers of Christ. - Jonathan Edwards
Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form. - Karl Marx
When a photo of a person looks deep into your spirit and tells you thousand stories….. Stories from your past even before you existed, then the photo is way above any description. - Sameh Elsayed
The descent to barbarism had begun with Rotterdam. It ended with Dresden and then with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Whatever moral differences had existed when the war began were erased by its end. The victors had been morally conquered by the enemy. - David McReynolds
The sense that everything is going wrong has existed in every era, and rightly so since men have found no greater pleasure than in inventing new ways to make each other miserable. - Emil Cioran
I existed in a world that never is , a prison of the mind. - Gene Tierney
Every civilization that has ever existed has ultimately collapsed. - Henry Kissinger
If Life worked on auto mode then manual mode for photography would have never existed. - Deeksha Mittal
Don't think you are going to conceal thoughts by concealing evidence that they ever existed. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
The spirit of man is not a created being; it existed from eternity and will exist to eternity. Anything created cannot be eternal; and earth, water, ect., had their existence in an elementary state, from eternity." ~Joseph Smith, Jr., 2 July 1839 - Documentary History of the Church 3:387 - Joseph Smith Jr.
I believe books are life's best gifts, as they allow us to venture into worlds we never thought existed. Giving us a chance to be someone different, giving us the chance to dawdle in the words - And feel free! - Anonymous
As long as I’ve known her, she’s seen the very best version of me, even when I didn’t believe that guy existed. - Amanda Weaver
A moment or an eternity—did it matter? Life, undefeated, existed and could exist. - Ayn Rand
No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness. - Aristotle
Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book... - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Everyday I think about the perfect life with you; Everyday I wish you existed. - Suchet chaturvedi
You are mine, woman. And I am yours. Until you, my life was desolate. I existed, but I didn't truly live. Now I live, even in my death." - Maddox , Sang Kekerasan - Gena Showalter
Don’t swear at your past; you couldn’t existed without it! It is the only path to reach today and tomorrow! Remember that past is a great teacher who thought us all we know now! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The meaning of existence is that you have simply existed at all. - Christopher Charles Harris
Have you ever felt love?Did you need scientific proof of this? How would you have definitively and scientifically proved your love existed? If you could not prove it, would that mean your love didn't exist? What would you trust: your own feelings, or science? - Derrick Jensen
Adding your own piece of knowledge to the vast knowledge of the humanrace could be a sufficient reason for having existed. - Eraldo Banovac
The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. - Kurt Vonnegut
As a kid. I insisted I could see what I couldn't. And my lone hope was my belief that what I couldn't see still existed somewhere. And I now feel like throwing that past away and taking one step foward. ..But I really don't know where I'm now headed, and that makes me anxious. - Filipus Liandy Ciptan
Everywhere I looked, hope existed - but only as some kind of green shoot in the midst of struggle. It was a theological concept, not a spiritual practice. Hope, I began to realize, was not a state of life. It was at best a gift of life. - Joan D. Chittister
Past has a very great superiority over the future: The future may not exist; but the past existed! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Guilt -- if there was any guilt -- spread out and diffused itself over everybody and everything. . . . Perhaps at some point in time, at some spot in the world, a moment of responsibility existed. - Philip K. Dick
But how can one regret what, to the mind, has never existed? Even loss is an inaccurate description, for what loss is without the awareness of losing? - Nicole Krauss
The thing with thoughts is that they die, like everything else. But almost everything else leaves a trace behind, even if it's a tiny carcass, some proof that it existed. Unless thoughts are spoken or written or sung or acted upon, there's no evidence that they were ever there. - Adi Alsaid
I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of imagination. What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not. - John Keats
...and who must have had something real about her, or she could not have existed, but it certainly was not her hair, or her teeth, or her figure, or her complexion. - Charles Dickens
Social Media isn't creating the problems in our relationships; it's only exposing the ones that already existed. - Steve Maraboli
Whatever the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth -whether it existed before or not - John Keats
All what is existing already existed. We are together for a while pondering in agile world. - Santosh Kalwar
I reverse the phrase of Voltaire, and say that if God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him. - Mikhail Bakunin
Though the life is very difficult and at times quite tragic, we must nonetheless be happy for being existed, for being the miracle very itself! - Mehmet Murat ildan
What these thinkers, chroniclers, and interpreters have written about, how they have theorized their scholarly endeavors, and their approaches and methodologies have inevitably been informed and shaped by the times in which they existed. - Pero Gaglo Dagbovie
The only truly logical explanation that gives credence to the fact that information does not come from non-information, is that some outside force some uncaused cause existed before us and formed us in His image. If there is a creation there must be a creator. - J.W. Lord
If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos. - Edward O. Wilson
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