Quotation Explorer - 'Concealing'

Folly consists not in committing Folly, but in being incapable of concealing it. All men make mistakes, but the wise conceal the blunders they have made, while fools make them public. Reputation depends more on what is hidden than on what is seen. If you can’t be good, be careful. - Baltasar Gracián
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
Don't think you are going to conceal thoughts by concealing evidence that they ever existed. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book... - Dwight D. Eisenhower
All too often, we mask truth in artifice, concealing ourselves for fear of losing the ones we love or prolonging a deception for those we wish to expose. We hide behind that which brings us comfort from pain and sadness or use it to repel a truth too devastating to accept. - Emily Thorne
Deep in my heart I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say. Scared to confess what I'm feeling - frightened you'll slip away. - Madonna
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
My tongue will tell the anger of mine heart, Or else my heart, concealing it, will break. - William Shakespeare
Unfortunately what is little recognized is that the most worthwhile scientific books are those in which the author clearly indicates what he does not know; for an author most hurts his readers by concealing difficulties. - Évariste Galois
The surest way of concealing from others the boundaries of one's own knowledge is not to overstep them. - Giacomo Leopardi
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