Quotation Explorer - 'Essential'

RITE, n. A religious or semi-religious ceremony fixed by law, precept or custom, with the essential oil of sincerity carefully squeezed out of it. - Ambrose Bierce
Knowledge is essential to conquest; only according to our ignorance are we helpless. Thought creates character. Character can dominate conditions. Will creates circumstances and environment. - Anne Besant
Shifting perspective(s) and being proactive are essential to your our life paths, progress and possibilities: "Just because a door appears closed it does not mean that it is locked - nor that it will not open with the right heart, call or touch - Rasheed Ogunlaru
That which is essential for life, can never be bought. - Debasish Mridha
It is essential to realise, that, while we make efforts to live the Christian life today, the world which have formed in our spoiled times, demands soul, both in the everyday life and in the religion, and can be called totalitarian. - Seraphim Rose
One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient. - Elizabeth Bradley
Honesty is the great essential. It exalts the individual citizenship, and, without honesty, no man deserves the confidence of the people in private pursuit or in public office. - Warren G. Harding
Few things a doctor does are more important than relieving pain. . . pain is soul destroying. No patient should have to endure intense pain unnecessarily. The quality of mercy is essential to the practice of medicine; here, of all places, it should not be strained. - Marcia Angell
All I needed to know, all true knowledge, the only really essential knowledge, was to be found in the books I read and the music I listened to - Karl Ove Knausgård
Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships. - Stephen R. Covey
No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination. - Edward Hopper
Adapting to changes represents an important characteristic of human nature, essential for the development of human society. - Eraldo Banovac
Wisdom is essential for successbut failure is the source of wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
We read books to find out who we are. What other people, real or imaginary, do and think and feel... is an essential guide to our understanding of what we ourselves are and may become. - Ursula K. Le Guin
They're so broke that they've actually cut essential services. In many places, they've cut policemen, because, who the fuck needs them? Or firemen, son of a bitch, it's much more fun watching something burn down. - Lewis Black
Our society encourages women to place a very high value on maternity as an essential part of female identity, both a high moral calling and the deepest source of satisfaction on earth. It's not easy to redefine motherhood as handing your baby over to a stranger. - Katha Pollitt
BELLADONNA, n. In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues. - Ambrose Bierce
For manipulation to be most effective, evidence of its presence should be nonexistent... It is essential, therefore, that people who are manipulated believe in the neutrality of their key social institutions.
It is essential to know that to be a happy person, a happy family, a happy society, it is very crucial to have a good heart, that is very crucial. World peach must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just the absence of violence but the manifestation of human compassion.
The world is your canvas and your teacher.Take a day to reflect, measure and adjust on your goals; progress is essential to continued success. - Bob Proctor
Any violation of a woman's body can become sex for men; this is the essential truth of pornography. - Andrea Dworkin
Knowledge is the most essential ingredient of life, and it comes from curiosity. - Debasish Mridha
This view, as a rounded whole and in all its essential elements, has very recently disappeared from science. It died a royal death with Agassiz.[It had formerly been held that there were no genetic connections among species.] - Asa Gray
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another is essential to your own. - Robert Heinlein
Some like to sleep. Some like to read late into the night without catching a wink. In a world of dreamers, both are essential. - Amanda Joy Bruns
As a comedian, the more you commit the sin of stupidity, three essential things happen to your life:~people applaud you incessantly.~love you more than their parents.~give you a daily bread. - Michael Bassey Johnson
When truth is nothing but the truth, its unnatural, it's an abstraction that resembles nothing in the real world. In nature there are always so many other irrelevant things mixed up with the essential truth. - Aldous Huxley
Book knowledge is not enough. Experiential knowledge is essential for success in life. - Debasish Mridha
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 - Wendy Goerl
Death? Why all this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition to life, not an evil. - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin
It is essential to happiness that our way of living should spring from our own deep impulses and not from the accidental tastes and desires of those who happen to be our neighbors, or even our relations. - Bertrand Russell
Home is the nesting ground for goodness to spring forth. Schools, churches and society influences but home is essential in the development and growth process. - Eveth Colley
The law provides expert diagnosis of our sin problem, which is absolutely essential. But the law does not provide the cure to our sin problem. Only Jesus can save us from our sin problem. - John Paul Warren
It is the relationship between the physical environment and the environed organism, between physiography and ontography (to coin a term), that constitutes the essential principles of geography today. - William Morris Davis
It is essential for genetic material to be able to make exact copies of itself; otherwise growth would produce disorder, life could not originate, and favourable forms would not be perpetuated by natural selection. - Maurice Wilkins
If we have no heretics we must invent them, for heresy is essential to health and growth. - Yevgeny Zamyatin
It's essential to keep moving, learning and evolving for as long as you're here and this world keeps spinning - Rasheed Ogunlaru
I don't know whether I believe in God or not. I think, really, I'm some kind of a Buddhist. But the essential thing is to put oneself in a frame of mind which is close to that of prayer. - Henri Matisse
The framing of a problem is often far more essential than its solution - Albert Einstein
The good man is the teacher of the bad, And the bad is the material from which the good may learn. He who does not value the teacher, Or greatly care for the material, Is greatly deluded although he may be learned. Such is the essential mystery. - Lao-Tzu
The things that are essential to salvation are so exceedingly simple that no child need sit down in despair of understanding the things which make for his peace. Christ crucified is not a riddle for sages, but a plain truth for plain people. True it is meat for men, but it is also milk for babes. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
For peace, living in harmony is essential. - Debasish Mridha
Psychology is sometimes called a new science. This is quite wrong. Psychology is, perhaps, the oldest science, and, unfortunately, in its most essential features a forgotten science. - P.D. Ouspensky
Just because we've been dealt a certain hand, it doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above - to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can. - Stephenie Meyer
Good company requires only birth, education, and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential; but a little learning is by no means a dangerous thing in good company; on the contrary, it will do very well. - Jane Austen
Want and need are not the same things either. A want can be foregone. It is voluntary, a nice-to-have. A need is required, a necessity. If he needed me, I’d be essential for his success, for his happiness. - Sax, Cynthia
Science gives an exact photograph of the world, but it lacks an essential dimension of reality. - Alija Izetbegović
...hence the very best science fiction ultimately winds up being a collaboration between author and reader, in which both create - and enjoy it; joy is the essential and final ingredient of science fiction, the joy of discovery of newness - Philip K. Dick
Love is essential for a happy life. - Eileen Anglin
Don’t be ruled by your past. Don’t be crippled by the past. Let the past be the past and focus on what is ahead. Remember however that if you neglect the most essential lessons of the past, you shall walk into the future with one leg. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Every religion which does not concern itself with Science is mere tradition, and that is not the essential. Therefore science, education and civilization are most important necessities for the full religious life.
If blood can produce money through rituals or the so-called human sacrifice, then it is the basis on which we live, so it is very essential to save and protect it from the fiendish eyes of blood sucking predators. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The threat of frustration of a biological urge does not cause conflict and anxiety unless that urge is identified with some value essential to the existence of the personality. - Rollo May
My ignorance is essential. I do not write what I know but what I need to know. - Don Murray
The essential attributes of a great leader are a positive attitude, humility, and gratitude. - Debasish Mridha
It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The really potent part of love is that it allows you to carry around beliefs about yourself that make you feel special, desirable, precious, innately good. Your lover couldn't have seen [these qualities] in you, even temporarily, if they weren't part of your essential being. - Martha Beck
Remember it all, every insult, every tear. Tattoo it on the inside of your mind. In life, knowledge of poisons is essential. I've told you, nobody becomes an artist unless they have to. - Janet Fitch
Racism and religious bigotry are two essential pieces of baggage mankind carries as it moves from one century to the next. - R. N. Prasher
Imagination may be the most essential, uniquely human capacity - creating both the dead-end crises of our time and the doorway through them. - Bill Plotkin
Understanding your dog and knowing how to control him, develop his potentials, and resolve behavior problems, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and respect. - Michael W. Fox
That which is not slightly distorted lacks sensible appeal; from which it follows that irregularity—that is to say, the unexpected, surprise and astonishment, are an essential part and characteristic of beauty. - Charles Baudelaire
I'm not afraid of facts, I welcome facts but a congeries of facts is not equivalent to an idea. This is the essential fallacy of the so-called "scientific" mind. People who mistake facts for ideas are incomplete thinkers; they are gossips. - Cynthia Ozick
Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. - Jacques-Yves Cousteau
All the tough lessons in life are meant for negative ending to positive beginning. Like fall to spring. During such time nature warn us to alter everything in our life including mind. Such transformation are vital and essential. If we don't alter nature create force of destruction. - Aditya Ajmera
It is essential that justice be done, it is equally vital that justice not be confused with revenge, for the two are wholly different. - Oscar Arias
One sees clearly only with the heart, anything that is essential is invisible to the eye."- The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Peace may be hard to achieve, but is possible with small yet essential steps that are guided by courage and sufficient commitment. - Widad Akreyi
If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow. - Louis L’Amour
Each moment of love is eternal.Each moment of life is essential. - Debasish Mridha
Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul,and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love. - Sarah McLean
Love is the most essential ingredient of life. - Debasish Mridha
Love is powerful. If you want more of it in your life be grateful for what you have and love whenever you can. Positive mind-state essential. - Independent Zen
There is also a third blessing that comes from spending time alone with God. When we spend time alone with Him, this releases all God’s potential, His power, grace and anointing, all of which are so essential for doing work for the Kingdom of God. - Sunday Adelaja
Your mind, which is yourself, can be likened to a house. The first necessary move then, is to rid that house of all but furnishings essential to success.
Just being honest is not enough. The essential ingredient is executive integrity.
By their essential nature triumphs can't be given. They must be taken, and the worse the odds and the fiercer the resistance, the greater the honor. Victories can't be gifts. - Lois McMaster Bujold
When you reach out to those in need, do not be surprised if the essential meaning of something occurs. - Stephen Richards
Belief in oneself is an essential factor for success in life. It helpsyou surmount challenges on your road to success. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in rationality. - Bertrand Russell
The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers have had it. - Ernest Hemingway
Wit and puns aren't just decor in the mind; they're essential signs that the mind knows it's on, recognizes its own software, can spot the bugs in its own program. - Adam Gopnik
News is how the government delivers propaganda to the masses and it is an essential requirement of the television broadcasting job to be emotionless to this. - Steven Magee
When we are gone, the only essential thing we will leave behind are the memories we create in the lives of those we have touched and those we love. - Michael Hyatt
The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence. - Adolf Hitler
The fundamental qualities for good execution of a plan is first; intelligence; then discernment and judgment, which enable one to recognize the best method as to attain it; the singleness of purpose; and, lastly, what is most essential of all, will-stubborn will. - Ferdinand Foch
A wisely chosen illustration is almost essential to fasten the truth upon the ordinary mind, and no teacher can afford to neglect this part of his preparation.
Long ago we stated the reason for labour organizations. We said that union was essential to give labourers opportunity to deal on an equality with their employers. - US Supreme Court
Pain in your past will become power in your future. So make suffering essential. - Debasish Mridha
A private organisation may not have sufficient apple or other essential ingredients in its monthly stock, but its top brass will only talk about individual’s performance pie i.e. achievement vs target of apple-pie sales in the meeting. - Anuj Somany
Often a healthy obsession is an essential component of great success. - Debasish Mridha
Always think about the needs of others because being a part of a group isan essential characteristic of human nature. - Eraldo Banovac
i believe in the freedom of state where every people have to right develop their culture and maintain the democracy while two things are very essential justice and equality - Long Live Pakistan and Happy Independence Day - Avinash Advani
Roads remain the essential network of the non-virtual world. They are the infrastructure upon which almost all other infrastructure depends. They are the paths of human endeavor. - Ted Conover
Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival. - Dalai Lama XIV
Our repeated failure to fully act as we would wish must not discourage us. It is the sincere intention that is the essential thing, and this will in time release us from the bondage of habits which at present seem almost insuperable.
Here is my secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes. - —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
No one should have to go through life without forgiveness. It's essential - C. Kennedy Omorphi
Creative thinking should be viewed as an essential supplement to, though not a replacement for, critical thinking.
A food is not necessarily essential just because your child hates it. - Katharine Whitehorn
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David Thoreau
Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely essential to it. - Howard Zinn
Undying love, attention and sacrifice is an essential fuel for relations - Alok Jagawat
Be simple; it is beautiful. Never forget to be kind; it is essential. - Debasish Mridha
My life is the story of a man who always wants to carry too much. My spiritual quest is the painful process of learning to let go of things not essential. - Gordon Atkinson
Mental toughness is essential to success. - Vince Lombardi
Storytelling is an essential part of our cultural and human identity...when we become afraid of stories outside the mainstream, I believe we have lost a valuable part of our cultural inheritance and growth. - Louise Sommer
Confidence is a life ingredient that is essential to success and wholeness. It is perhaps the single most important trait that enables seemingly average people to do and become all that they can. And the good news is it can be learned. No one has to suffer a lifetime of low confidence. - Steve Goodier
Essential to life, is desiring the things that you need, than needing the things you desire. - Anthony Liccione
In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of individual. This alone makes history, here alone do the great transformations take place, and the whole future, the whole history of the world, ultimately springs as a gigantic summation from these hidden source in individuals. - C.G. Jung
How easily we get trapped in that which is not essential - in looking good, winning at competition, gathering power and wealth - when simply being alive is the gift beyond measure. - Parker J. Palmer
The arts must be considered an essential element of education... They are tools for living life reflectively, joyfully and with the ability to shape the future. - Shirley Trusty Corey
It's essential to tailor rehab to what impassions someone. The brain gradually learns by riveting its attention-through endless repetitions. - Diane Ackerman
It may make your blood boil and your mind may not be changed, but the practice of listening to opposing views is essential for effective citizenship. It is essential for our democracy. - Barack Obama
Horizontal expansion loses the depth, though excessive depth that only provokes darkness is futile. Therefore a balance between depth and vastness is essential in learning - Priyavrat Thareja
The most essential and fundamental aspect of culture is the study of literature, since this is an education in how to picture and understand human situations. - Iris Murdoch
The lively oral storytelling scene in Scots and Gaelic spills over into the majority English-speaking culture, imbuing it with a strong sense of narrative drive that is essential to the modern novel, screenplay and even non-fiction. - Sara Sheridan
Learning is essential for living the life you love. - A.D. Posey
Compassion is essential, but it’s not a substitute for self-expression, or self-respect, or self-compassion. Emotional self-care is also essential, but gently soothing our wounds does not replace communicating about them. - Vironika Tugaleva
Education has multiple purposes, but learning how to ask essential questions and how to challenge dogma,tradition, and injustice in appropriate and constructive ways is its highest purposes. - Gregory S. Prince, Jr.
It's essential you create a fiery will from within--harness that power of decisiveness--and choose to be your strongest self. - Karen Salmansohn
No one who has read official documents needs to be told how easy it is to conceal the essential truth under the apparently candid and all- disclosing phrases of a voluminous and particularizing report.... - Woodrow Wilson
A certain amount of danger is essential to the quality of life.
Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking... - Leo Tolstoy
Each life involves an essential errand; not simply the task of survival, but a life-mission embedded in the soul from the beginning. - Michael Meade
What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team. - Benjamin F. Fairless
Private property and free trade stand on exactly the same footing, both being essential and indivisible parts of liberty, both depending upon rights, which no body of men, whether called governments or anything else, can justly take from the individual. - Auberon Herbert
On Kwajalein, Louie and Phil leared a dark truth known to the doomed in Hitler's death camps, the slaves of the American South, and a hundred other generations of betrayed people. Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. - Laura Hillenbrand
The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. - Albert Einstein
Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought. - Albert Einstein
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin
I conceive the essential task of religion to be "to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind". - Robert Millikan
First, it is essential to determine precisely what you wantto achieve. Just wanting to be successful is too general. - Derric Yuh Ndim
Being totally inclusive is essential for the outcome to possess any true value - Tim Mann artist
Be beautiful if you can, wise if you want to, but be respected - that is essential. - Anna Gould
Knowing is important, but understanding is essential for wisdom. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Conceptions are artificial. Perceptions are essential. - Wallace Stevens
There is almost no country in Africa where it is not essential to know to which tribe, or which subgroup of which tribe, the president belongs. From this single piece of information you can trace the lines of patronage and allegiance that define the state. - Christopher Hitchens
Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life all areas of life. - Zig Ziglar
If you aim to be the best then it's essential to evolve constantly, learn from past mistakes, look for new opportunities and have the flexibility to implement improved processes and solutions along the way. - Mark Gallagher
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye - The Little Prince
There are no wise few. Every aristocracy that has ever existed has behaved, in all essential points, exactly like a small mob. - G. K. Chesterton
The freedom of all is essential to my freedom. - Mikhail Bakunin
I think that's the way people absorb television. All the explanations in Doctor Who are there if that's your bag, but they're not essential to your enjoyment of it. An awful lot of storytelling isn't really about making people understand it's about making people care. - Steven Moffat
The good news is that you are alive. The essential thing is that you must live - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Dwelling among shipwrecked dreams and losing oneself in wishful thinking cannot be a solution to tribulations. Identifying cracks and apprehending the defaults in one's life is essential to find a way to get out of a ghetto and to start a search for a new haven. ("The world was somewhere else" ) - Erik Pevernagie
In displaying the psychology of your characters, minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations!"(Letter to Alexander Chekhov, May 10, 1886) - Anton Chekhov
Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.
The Sun Tzu School Ping-fa Directive. Be strong and continually aware. Manage your strength and that of others. When essential, engage on your terms. Be observant, adaptive, and subtle. Do not lose control. Act decisively. Conclude quickly. Don't Fight! - David G. Jones
Time... is an essential requirement for effective research. An investigator may be given a palace to live in, a perfect laboratory to work in, he may be surrounded by all the conveniences money can provide; but if his time is taken from him he will remain sterile. - Walter Bradford Cannon
The act of seeking is essential to life. - Mark Fraley
Beauty, then, is not mere decoration, but rather an essential element of the liturgical action, since it is an attribute of God himself and his revelation. These considerations should make us realize the care which is needed, if the liturgical action is to reflect its innate splendour. - Pope Benedict XVI
The essential reason for my loneliness is that I don't even know where I belong. - Orhan Pamuk
Mythology is composed by poets out of their insights and realizations. Mythologies are not invented; they are found. You can no more tell us what your dream is going to be tonight than we can invent a myth. Myths come from the mystical region of essential experience. - Joseph Campbell
One essential to success is that your desire be an all-obsessing one, your thoughts and aims be co-ordinated, and your energy be concentrated and applied without letup. - Claude M. Bristol
Never tell an unnecessary lie; the truth has great authority. The cleverest murders have been caught, not because they told the one essential lie, but because they continued to lie about unimportant detail when the truth could have done them no harm. - P.D. James
Our awareness about ourselves and the world around us is so limited that we are ready to destroy ourselves. For the survival of humanity, an evolution of consciousness is essential. - Debasish Mridha
To create a free society is not to accomplish the impossible task of convincing all people to abandon aggression, but to accomplish the essential task of convincing enough people to abandon the belief that aggression is ever legitimate. - Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
So many people don't think seriously about the fact that Personal Responsibility is one of the most essential credentials in National transformation - Sunday Adelaja
Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.... Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love the greater the jealousy. - Robert Heinlein
You cultivate the essential virtues: high purpose, intelligence, decency, humility, fear of the Lord, and the passion for freedom.
The essential quality of a market system, contrary to popular thinking, is not that it promotes greed; but rather, that it renders greed harmless. - Israel M. Kirzner
Persistence is a unique mental strength; a strength that is essential to combat the fierce power of the repeated rejections and numerous other obstacles that sit in waiting and are all part of winning in a fast-moving, ever-changing world. - Bob Proctor
We hold that happenings which may even compel the heart to break cannot break the human spirit, or rob it of its most essential qualities. - May Kendall
It is important to be moral, but it is essential to be kind. - Debasish Mridha
Play is an essential function of the passage from immaturity to emotional maturity. Any individual without the opportunities for adequate play in early life will go on seeking them in the stuff of adult life.
The goal is essential to getting what you would like." ## - Harry S. Vested Jr.
What is so incredible and essential about an authentic cultural scene is it rejects a value system based on consumption and productivity and instead celebrates creation, critical thought, aesthetics and expression. That can’t be mass marketed. - Claire Vaye Watkins
If you don't love yourself it's tough to love anything about your life. Appreciating who you are is essential to your happiness. - Karen Salmansohn
Don’t rush, just because you have reasons! Reason with the reasons and take definite action in the right direction, in haste, where needed, or with patience, where it is essential to do so! Mind your thought and think about your action! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night. - Albert Camus
I used to call myself a single-issue voter on the essential question of defending civilization against its terrorist enemies and their totalitarian protectors, and on that 'issue' I hope I can continue to expose and oppose any ambiguity. - Christopher Hitchens
The more you recover your authentic self, the more your destiny will unfold before your eyes. Just keep doing your inner work - that's the most essential thing. - Robin Sharma
Love, positivity and gratitude are the most essential ingredients to a happy and fulfilled life. - Eileen Anglin
Rightness of limitation is essential for growth of reality.Unlimited possibility and abstract creativity can procure nothing. The limitation, and the basis arising from what is already actual, are both of them necessary and interconnected. - Alfred North Whitehead
The paralysis of potential is essential to the manufacturing of victims. - Stefan Molyneux
Things on the essential list: vodka, Nine Inch Nails, a steady supply of mortal men, and an all-purpose bitchy attitude. - Richelle Mead
Love is blind. Love of money is blind. Greed and money make people forfeit the quiddity of life, banish them from what is essential and alienate them from themselves. They lose their identity and become drifting exiles. ( "Money rocking and rolling" ) - Erik Pevernagie
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. - Alex Levine
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